The futuristic city in Latin America that will materialize after a million-dollar investment from Türkiye: it will be a tax-free paradise | Bitcoin City | El Salvador | Mexico | Panama | Bukele | Turkey | what happened to bitcoin city | megaproject | LRTMC | World

The futuristic city in Latin America that will materialize after a million-dollar investment from Türkiye: it will be a tax-free paradise | Bitcoin City | El Salvador | Mexico | Panama | Bukele | Turkey | what happened to bitcoin city | megaproject | LRTMC | World

A country of Latin America is preparing for a crucial step in its economic transformation thanks to the largest investment in its recent history. a turkish company has committed USD $1.62 billion to modernize two key seaports, an agreement that is closely linked to his government’s plans to develop an innovative technological and economic project … Read more