DNA Damage in Mitochondria as an Early Diagnostic Biomarker for Parkinson’s Disease: Research Findings

DNA Damage in Mitochondria as an Early Diagnostic Biomarker for Parkinson’s Disease: Research Findings

▲ Research results have shown that DNA damage in mitochondria within brain cells is valuable as an early diagnostic biomarker for Parkinson’s disease. (Photo = DB) Research results have shown that DNA damage in mitochondria within brain cells is valuable as an early diagnostic biomarker for Parkinson’s disease. Research results were published in ‘Molecular Psychiatry’ … Read more

Insomnia Increases Cardiovascular Risk, Study Finds

Insomnia Increases Cardiovascular Risk, Study Finds

▲ Research results have been published showing that the cardiovascular risk of insomnia patients is significantly higher than that of normal people. (Photo = DB) [메디컬투데이=한지혁 기자] The cardiovascular risk of insomnia patients was found to be significantly higher than that of normal people. The results of a study investigating the impact of insomnia on … Read more

Migraines and Breast Cancer: The Genetic Link Revealed

Migraines and Breast Cancer: The Genetic Link Revealed

▲ Research results have shown that migraines and breast cancer may be genetically linked. (Photo = DB) [메디컬투데이=최재백 기자] Research has shown that migraines and breast cancer are genetically linked. Research results showing that migraines and breast cancer may be genetically linked were published in ‘BMC Cancer.’ A research team at the Cancer Center of … Read more

Mutations in Genes Involved in Nerve Cell Survival Found to Cause Parkinson’s Disease, Study Shows

Mutations in Genes Involved in Nerve Cell Survival Found to Cause Parkinson’s Disease, Study Shows

▲ Research results have shown that mutations in several genes involved in the survival of nerve cells can cause Parkinson’s disease. (Photo = DB) [메디컬투데이=이승재 기자] Research has shown that mutations in several genes involved in the survival of nerve cells can cause Parkinson’s disease. The results of a sister study revealing a genetic predisposition … Read more

The Importance of Anti-Cancer Food in Strengthening Immunity and Preventing Cancer

The Importance of Anti-Cancer Food in Strengthening Immunity and Preventing Cancer

[메디컬투데이=김준수 기자] As life expectancy increases, the incidence of cancer also increases. According to the 2020 cancer registration statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the estimated cancer incidence rate reaches 36.5% if a person survives to the life expectancy (83.5 years). This means that three or four out of 10 people will not … Read more

High Proportion of Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Increased Risk of Depression, Study Finds

High Proportion of Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Increased Risk of Depression, Study Finds

A study has found that people with a high proportion of ultra-processed foods in their diet have a higher risk of developing depression. (Photo = DB) [메디컬투데이=최재백 기자] People with a high proportion of ultra-processed foods in their diet were found to be at greater risk of developing depression. A study published in the Journal … Read more

The Eye-Health Benefits of Egg Yolks: Lutein and Zeaxanthin

The Eye-Health Benefits of Egg Yolks: Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Egg yolk contains lutein and zeaxanthin ingredients that help eye health ▲ Five health benefits of eggs were introduced in American food media. Healthy hair and skin and strong bones are among the benefits of eggs. (Photo = DB) [메디컬투데이=남연희 기자] Five health benefits of eggs were introduced in American food media. Healthy hair and … Read more

Study Finds Increased Risk of Death in Heart Attack Patients Experiencing Moderate to Severe Pain

Study Finds Increased Risk of Death in Heart Attack Patients Experiencing Moderate to Severe Pain

▲ Patients who experience moderate to severe pain after a heart attack have a greater risk of dying in the subsequent year, a new study has found. (Photo = DB) [메디컬투데이=최재백 기자] Patients who experience moderate to severe pain after a heart attack have a greater risk of dying in the subsequent year, the study … Read more

Rising Discomfort Index of Urinary Incontinence Patients during Heatwaves: Treatment Options and Misinformation

Rising Discomfort Index of Urinary Incontinence Patients during Heatwaves: Treatment Options and Misinformation

[메디컬투데이=김준수 기자] The discomfort index of urinary incontinence patients is rising amid the successive heat waves. It’s because the sweat is not enough to flow, and the urine leaks and smells bad. In particular, in summer, when unpleasant odors spread easily due to high temperature and high humidity, bacterial growth accelerates. Because of the increase … Read more

Understanding Postpartum Hair Loss and How to Treat It

Understanding Postpartum Hair Loss and How to Treat It

[메디컬투데이=김준수 기자] Pregnancy and childbirth are celebrations to be celebrated by all. The birth of life is a joy, but if the mother’s hair falls noticeably after giving birth, the mother’s stress cannot be expressed in words. Losing a lot of hair after giving birth is a natural symptom, and it can be restored with … Read more