What are the benefits of walking 10 minutes after each meal?

What are the benefits of walking 10 minutes after each meal?

Many wonder if walking after eating is beneficial! There is no doubt that sports help maintain physical fitness, improve the fat burning process, and benefit health in general. Numerous studies have been published on the various benefits of exercise, which include walking, even for a short period. Among the directions which increased in popularity In … Read more

An American pays two million dollars a year to rejuvenate and stay at the age of 18.. Video and photos

An American pays two million dollars a year to rejuvenate and stay at the age of 18.. Video and photos

Muhammad Jamal wrote Saturday, February 11, 2023 06:31 PM The 45-year-old American billionaire Brian Johnson revealed that he spends two million dollars a year to restore his youth so that he appears at the age of 18, no matter how old he is, in cooperation with a team of 30 doctors within a project called … Read more

His fortune totals $106 billion, you won’t believe how much American billionaire Warren Buffett spends on breakfast

His fortune totals 6 billion, you won’t believe how much American billionaire Warren Buffett spends on breakfast

Al-Marsad newspaper: Press reports shed light on the life of American businessman and billionaire Warren Buffett and his strangest daily habits. Buffett, 92, ranks fifth on Forbes’ list of the richest people in the world, with a fortune of $106.3 billion. Buffett has maintained a typical lifestyle for decades, and one of the most famously … Read more

The correct way to prepare the famous “Al-Areka” meal…and a specialist advises heart patients against eating it for this reason

The correct way to prepare the famous “Al-Areka” meal…and a specialist advises heart patients against eating it for this reason

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Food and Drug Authority (FDA) has revealed that Arikkah is one of the popular meals in Wadi Al-Dawasir Governorate, south of Riyadh, especially during the winter season. And regarding the method of preparing it, “Umm Ibrahim” said that its preparation requires kneading the grain with the bazaar into what is described as … Read more