After a year of war, some failed companies are still in Russia. Leave them m dl t잚

After a year of war, some failed companies are still in Russia.  Leave them m dl t잚

There are a whole host of companies that have decided to stay in Russia. among them is the Procter & Gamble corporation or the toothpaste manufacturer Colgate. Firms are likely to keep their profits and maintain the position they have won on the Russian market. The reason for this persistence, on the other hand, often … Read more

Such tricks are used by McDonald’s to make customers order more. Check out a list of McDonald’s tricks

Such tricks are used by McDonald’s to make customers order more.  Check out a list of McDonald’s tricks

McDonald’s is an American fast food chain that mainly sells burgers, fries, and drinks. The first Polish McDonald’s opened on June 17, 1992 in Warsaw. This fast food giant is a classic example of brands successfully scaling their businesses with thoughtful marketing strategies and long-term action plans. McDonald’s restaurants use various marketing tricks to make … Read more

Check out McD’s Kitchen, here’s how to make scrambled eggs for burgers

Check out McD’s Kitchen, here’s how to make scrambled eggs for burgers

Jakarta – McDonald’s (McD) is a global fast food chain famous for having many delicious menus. What is the menu preparation process like in a restaurant kitchen? This TikTok account specifically reveals the behind-the-scenes look at McD’s kitchen. Speaking of the McD menu, many immediately think of French fries, burgers, fried chicken and delicious ice … Read more

McDonald’s to reopen stores in Ukraine within months | Reuters

McDonald’s to reopen stores in Ukraine within months | Reuters

US fast food chain McDonald’s has announced that it will reopen its stores in Ukraine in the coming months. FILE PHOTO/File Photo/File Photo/File Photo/File Photo [11日 ロイター] – US fast food giant McDonald’s announced on the 11th that it will reopen its stores in Ukraine in the next few months. McDonald’s closed all of its … Read more

Not offering the Big Mac is a big code, I’m the director of the Russian successor, McDonalds

Not offering the Big Mac is a big code, I’m the director of the Russian successor, McDonalds

<!—-> McDonalds left Russia entirely and sold all the restaurants it owned to the city’s license in May. Under the new name Vkusno & toka (Chutn & teka), 50 restaurants reopened in Moscow and the surrounding area on 12 and 13 June. Thousands of people who drank at the opening of the company’s flagship, the … Read more

The Russian version of the McDonalds chain featured a logo, now called Taj

The Russian version of the McDonalds chain featured a logo, now called Taj

New Russian fast food logo. | photo: Reuters – <!—-> In May, McDonalds announced that it would withdraw from Russia due to the wolf in Ukraine. Sistema PBO, which manages the businesses, is a two-member McDonalds, reopening 15 restaurants over the weekend. The green background of the logo symbolizes the quality of products and services … Read more

As McDonald’s packaging designer: rapper Kanye West is back on Instagram – Entertainment

As McDonald’s packaging designer: rapper Kanye West is back on Instagram – Entertainment

Kanye West has made negative headlines in the past with mob attacks on Instagram. Photo: 2015 Kristin Callahan/ImageCollect – — Kanye West has reactivated his Instagram account. The rapper is back with a picture showing a newly designed McDonald’s packaging. – Kanye West (44) has officially returned to the social media platform Instagram. A single … Read more