Businessman Arrested on Charges of Overpayment: Rooplall Beerjeeraz Faces Trial for Embezzlement and Fraud

Businessman Arrested on Charges of Overpayment: Rooplall Beerjeeraz Faces Trial for Embezzlement and Fraud

Absent from the country for five years, Rooplall Beerjeeraz has been in detention since his return to the country on Saturday August 5. He was arrested as soon as he set foot on Mauritian soil. The businessman is facing a provisional charge of overpayment under the Financial Anti Money Laundering Act. On several occasions, his … Read more

Defying Illness: Julia Drack Pursues Her Dream of Becoming a Singer with the Release of “Rakont mwa” and Plans for an Album

Defying Illness: Julia Drack Pursues Her Dream of Becoming a Singer with the Release of “Rakont mwa” and Plans for an Album

Illness will not prevent her from realizing her dream of becoming a singer. Julia Drack, a 19-year-old singer-songwriter who suffers from muscular dystrophy, has recently released her first single titled “Rakont mwa” and is now aiming to launch a full album. Despite her health condition, Julia remains determined to pursue her passion for music. In … Read more

Mauritius to introduce National Examinations Board and awarding body for Kreol Morisien exams

The Kreol Morisien (KM) will be the first subject to be considered by the “National Examinations Board”. This will be under the aegis of the University of Mauritius (UoM), which will act as an “Awarding body”. This is what is provided for by the Education (Amendment) Bill, debated in Parliament on Tuesday afternoon. “This is … Read more

“Improving Police Treatment: Linion Pep Morisien’s Plan for Accountability and Transparency”

In an open letter to the police, Linion Pep Morisien (LPM) undertakes, if he forms a government, to take measures to improve the treatment of the police. Among the proposed measures are transparency in the exercise of promotions, the transformation of the Special Mobile Force into an exemplary ecological force and the promotion of the … Read more

Secondary education: the age criterion revised to admit more students

With the Covid-19 pandemic, schools have not been able to operate as they should. As a result, many students fall behind on their initial study program. In order not to penalize them, amendments have been made to the age criterion. They concern students born between 2000 and 2016. A circular from the Private Secondary Education … Read more

Health: the “regressive mark-up” worries pharmacists

The “regressive mark-up” mechanism will be introduced for eight of the 11 classes of pharmaceutical products. This decision of the Council of Ministers is not unanimous among pharmacists. On the other hand, Xavier-Luc Duval is delighted that his PNQ has borne fruit. There is consternation among pharmacists. They fear the closure of many pharmacies with … Read more

Health: new departments envisaged at the New ENT Hospital

A new vocation seems to be taking shape for the New ENT Hospital. Three new departments could be set up there: a unit for neurovascular diseases, a pediatric intensive care unit and a pediatric surgery unit. The project is currently under study. With a view to decentralizing services, the Ministry of Health is eyeing the … Read more

Education: classes resume normally this Monday

Students will have to return to school on Monday. In a press release issued this morning, the Ministry of Education affirms that classes resume normally this Monday, January 30, 2023, in pre-primary, primary, secondary schools, SEN (Special Education Needs) schools, teaching centers technical and professional including those of MITD and Polytechnics Mauritius as well as … Read more

Buzz on social networks: a photo of an open-air concert at the Caudan Waterfront is controversial

During the weekend a photo made the rounds of social networks and made the buzz. We see people gathered at the Caudan Waterfront, in Port-Louis, during an open-air concert. It took place as part of the music festival celebrated on June 21. The catch: health restrictions are still in effect and gatherings of more than … Read more

Company profile: JurisTax is moving towards new international horizons

If JurisTax Ltd has managed to emerge from the crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is mainly thanks to a robust, dedicated and motivated team who thought differently and adapted to the situation. The company now wants to expand the team to expand internationally. “Let’s grow together. This is the slogan of the JurisTax … Read more