German Martech also scores points with Swiss agencies – ADZINE

German Martech also scores points with Swiss agencies – ADZINE

Mercury Media Technology was founded in 2016 as a company from the Pilot agency group, but has operated independently on the market since then. The company is a provider of a software-as-a-service solution that is intended to automate the workflow for planning, purchasing and optimizing media campaigns. In concrete terms, it is about data-driven and … Read more

Swiss Martech scores points with German publishers – ADZINE

Swiss Martech scores points with German publishers – ADZINE

The publishing business was once limited to the classic media genres, but today several, mostly digital products are often marketed, making it an increasingly complex matter. Publishers therefore often resort to marketing technology for their marketing processes in order to master the complexity. One option that is particularly suitable for larger marketers is specialised order … Read more