no request from Ukraine for Dutch F-16s

no request from Ukraine for Dutch F-16s

ANP NOS News•today, 21:02 There is currently no way whatsoever of the Netherlands supplying F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. “There are no deliveries, there are no requests either,” Prime Minister Rutte said at a joint press conference with French President Macron. He came to The Hague for consultation. Like Macron, Rutte believes that there are … Read more

Prime Minister Rutte and Edith Schippers lash out hard at PvdA and GroenLinks

Prime Minister Rutte and Edith Schippers lash out hard at PvdA and GroenLinks

ANP NOS News•today, 22:44•Amended today, 22:58 In a joint interview in De Telegraaf, Prime Minister and VVD party leader Rutte and VVD prominent Edith Schippers lash out at the Labor Party and GroenLinks, which will soon form one group in the Senate. In the run-up to the Provincial Council elections on March 15, the prime … Read more