They celebrate in Portugal the 50 years of the Carnation Revolution

They celebrate in Portugal the 50 years of the Carnation Revolution

Lisboa. Tens of thousands of people celebrated in Lisbon on Thursday the fiftieth anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, a bloodless coup led by young Portuguese officers that ended 48 years of dictatorship and 13 years of colonial wars in Africa. The traditional popular parade along Liberty Avenue, the culmination of hundreds of initiatives over several … Read more

Montenegro says Costa’s position “is not skill” but “escape from responsibility” – Politics

Montenegro says Costa’s position “is not skill” but “escape from responsibility” – Politics

The PSD leader considered this Monday that the prime minister’s response to TAP “is not skill, it is an escape from responsibility”, questioning whether António Costa only finds the email from former Secretary of State Hugo Mendes extremely serious. Luís Montenegro reacted through the social network Twitter to the news from the Lusa agency this … Read more

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa explains why he spoke of government fatigue – Politics

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa explains why he spoke of government fatigue – Politics

The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, on Saturday praised the energy of the Prime Minister, António Costa, and justified why he spoke of the Government’s fatigue, considering that he shares some of that “inevitable exhaustion”. The head of state was speaking with António Costa at his side, at a joint press conference … Read more

From Coast to Montenegro – Editorials

From Coast to Montenegro – Editorials

The reheated absolute majority and the tired prime minister showed Wednesday, in Parliament, that the old tension between reality and perception will accompany us for some more time in this political cycle. António Costa was very prepared, energetic, with proposals, debatable, it is true, but proposals, and some killer cues for the Palace of Belém … Read more

New support regime for rents and housing credits published – Policy

New support regime for rents and housing credits published – Policy

The new extraordinary regime of support to families for the payment of rent and installment and credit agreement, known as ‘More Housing’, was published this Wednesday in the official newspaper, to come into force on Thursday. The measures aim to help families with more financial difficulties to cope with the rise in interest rates on … Read more