What happens when Marcel Ciolacu speaks / Limits PSD presidential candidate

What happens when Marcel Ciolacu speaks / Limits PSD presidential candidate

There is nothing. Simply nothing. Not an ounce of emotion, sympathy, energy in this tired voice, a little hoarse and monotonous. Marcel Ciolacu reads in a weekend and folklore that reminds a few of the PCR Congresses and Nicolae CeauČ™ecu. No change, no moment of contact with the pesedists gathered on Saturday in the Romexpo … Read more

Marcel Ciolacu, under the magnifying glass of the profile – How HD Hartmann describes the prime minister

Marcel Ciolacu, under the magnifying glass of the profile – How HD Hartmann describes the prime minister

The Prime Minister and PSD leader, Marcel Ciolacurecently under the microscope of the famous iconographer HD Hartmann, who created a detailed psychological portrait of him in the exhibition”The Special Thought“. Hartmann described Ciolacu as “the most difficult head of state that Romania could have”, emphasizing his happiness and understanding. In his analysis, Hartmann pointed out … Read more

SOURCE Ministers in charge of the reorganisation: Three big names could leave the Government

SOURCE Ministers in charge of the reorganisation: Three big names could leave the Government

The political autumn promises to be very urgent, both at PSDas well as at PNL. Both parties are talking more and more about a major reorganization of the government, either because of the scandals involving the ministers, or because both parties want to bring in new life to the Government. According to our sources, Adrian … Read more