CFE will electrify 44% of the total route of the Maya Train

CFE will electrify 44% of the total route of the Maya Train

Mexico City. The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) will electrify 44 percent of the total route of the Maya Train, as it participates in the construction of the infrastructure necessary to mobilize the railways on the 690 kilometers of electrified track that it will have. This was reported this morning at the press conference of President … Read more

CFE rescue has meant financial savings of 400 thousand million pesos for customers

CFE rescue has meant financial savings of 400 thousand million pesos for customers

Mexico Metropolis. The bailout of the Federal Electrical energy Fee (CFE) has generated financial savings of 400 billion pesos for its 49 million customers, officers from the state-owned firm reported this morning. When presenting a report on the morning press convention, it was reported that if President Andrés Manuel López Obrador had not made the … Read more

CFE was rescued and generates 54% of electrical energy

CFE was rescued and generates 54% of electrical energy

Mexico Metropolis. The rescue of the Federal Electrical energy Fee (CFE) was completed with a historic funding of virtually 20 billion {dollars} and with out growing electrical energy charges to be used in properties, mentioned the final director of the state-owned firm, Manuel Bartlett Díaz. Nearly six years into the present administration, the final strange … Read more