Indie brawl ACT “Fraymakers” featuring the “Among Us” crew is now in early access! | Game * Spark – Domestic and overseas game information site

Indie brawl ACT “Fraymakers” featuring the “Among Us” crew is now in early access! | Game * Spark – Domestic and overseas game information site

Team Fray and McLeodGaming are a melee action game where characters from various indie games battle.Fraymakers]has started early access. Currently, four characters are available: Orcane from Rivals of Aether, Octodad from Octodad, CommanderVideo from BIT.TRIP, and Welltaro from Downwell. The ‘Among Us’ crew is among the many assist characters. The development team plans to add … Read more

“The Callisto Protocol” has sold over 2 million copies! However, the sales target of 5 million copies was not reached and the stock price fell temporarily | Game * Spark

“The Callisto Protocol” has sold over 2 million copies! However, the sales target of 5 million copies was not reached and the stock price fell temporarily | Game * Spark

The debut work of Striking Distance Studios “The Callisto Protocol]has sold over 2 million copies. On the other hand, it seems that KRAFTON’s stock price has temporarily fallen because it did not reach the sales target. This work, which attracted a lot of attention as a spiritual successor to the masterpiece “Dead Space”, spent about … Read more