This new eye disease is spreading rapidly in Delhi, are you also facing these problems?

This new eye disease is spreading rapidly in Delhi, are you also facing these problems?

New Delhi. After floods, rains, water logging and humidity in Delhi-NCR, now infectious diseases have started spreading. After fever, cold, vomiting and diarrhoea, now the problem of red eyes (conjunctivitis) has increased in people, especially in children. The number of people suffering from itching, burning etc. in the eyes has suddenly started increasing in the … Read more

18 Million Malaria Vaccine Doses to Be Administered in 12 African Countries in 2024

18 Million Malaria Vaccine Doses to Be Administered in 12 African Countries in 2024

First modification: 07/06/2023 – 16:49 The Alliance for Vaccines (Gavi) reported that from 2024, 18 million doses of the malaria vaccine will begin to be administered in 12 African countries. Nine of these nations had never received vaccines against the disease. Benin, Niger, Cameroon, Uganda, Burundi, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra … Read more

WHO to Deliver 18 Million Doses of Malaria Vaccine in 12 African Countries

WHO to Deliver 18 Million Doses of Malaria Vaccine in 12 African Countries

WHO announces plans to deliver 18 million doses of malaria vaccine in 12 African countries. (Photo: UNICEF) The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) announced on the 5th that by 2025, about 18 million vaccines will be provided to 12 African countries. … Read more

Re-emergence of Malaria Cases in Florida and Texas: CDC Issues Warning

Re-emergence of Malaria Cases in Florida and Texas: CDC Issues Warning

Florida – Cases of malaria re-emerged in the United States after the last 20 years. The United States Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) issued a warning, if the disease caused by the female Anopheles mosquito is detected in Florida and Texas. Malaria is a serious and potentially fatal disease that is transmitted by the … Read more

Malaria in Pregnancy: Risks, Complications, and Treatment Options

Malaria in Pregnancy: Risks, Complications, and Treatment Options

Pregnancy Annisa Karnesyia | Haibunda Tuesday, 13 Jun 2023 16:09 WIB Jakarta – Malaria experienced during pregnancy is said to increase the risk of miscarriage. Apart from miscarriage, this disease characterized by high fever is also associated with several other pregnancy complications. According to studies The Lancet Infectious Diseases In 2011, one episode of malaria … Read more

Malaria Knowlesi: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment –

Malaria Knowlesi: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment –

5. Malaria Knowlesi Knowlesi malaria occurs due to the Plasmodium knowlesi parasite. This type of malaria usually infects humans through other animals, which have already been bitten by the Anopheles mosquito. For example, in an area there are infected monkeys as hosts. Because it did originally occur in primates, humans who come in contact are … Read more

“Preventing Malaria: The Importance of Anti-Malarial Drugs and Mosquito Avoidance”

“Preventing Malaria: The Importance of Anti-Malarial Drugs and Mosquito Avoidance”

Take anti-malarial drugs Consuming anti-malarial drugs is also highly recommended in preventing malaria. For travelers, malaria can be prevented through chemoprophylaxis, which suppresses the blood stage of malaria infection, thereby preventing malaria. There are two types of drugs used to prevent malaria infection. The atovaquone-proguanil product stops the infection early, immediately after the mosquito bite. … Read more