The end of the very realistic series Gears makes the police officers sad

A commissioner from the Paris region confesses: the end of the adventures of Captain Laure Berthaud – promoted to commander over the seasons – and her team from the 2nd DPJ (judicial police district) will create a hole in the world of French fiction. This is the most realistic series about the police that has … Read more

What are the TYT, AYT and YDT threshold points? How is YKS score calculation done? – Sözcü Newspaper

The excitement of the exam with YKS is waiting for students on the day when ÖSYM will announce the results of TYT, AYT and YDT. Candidates who want to have an idea about their scores wonder how to calculate YKS points. So what is the TYT, AYT and YDT threshold score? YKS (TYT, AYT AND … Read more

“That Ibiza video is shown leaves me speechless” – politics

Johann Gudenus (43) speaks before his appearance on the U-committee on Thursday “Today” again about the Ibiza affair. The fact that the video from the villa is now to be shown makes him “speechless”. In the interview, he reveals what became of his forest in Lower Austria, what he lives on – and whether he … Read more

Coronavirus: Do supermarket chains now have to close due to a pandemic?

Coronavirus: Do these large supermarket chains have to close now because of the pandemic? – on 15.03.2020 at 4:01 p.m.- Because of the corona virus, many shelves remain empty. Aldi, Kaufland or Edeka have therefore reacted. Photo: dpa – People in Germany feel the effects of the Corona virus Clearly: Events are canceled, the Bundesliga … Read more

ÖSYM published the curious questions for YKS! How to apply for YKS 2020? – Sözcü Newspaper

According to the exam schedule published by ÖSYM, 2020 YKS applications will be made between February 6 and March 3. In YKS 2020, students will pay 70 lira for each session they want to attend as an application fee. YKS APPLICATION SCREEN 2020 YKS CANDIDATE APPLICATION FORM WHEN IS THE LAST APPLICATION? Applications to 2020-YKS … Read more