less direct sowing is done and more seed curators and fertilizers are used

In the 2020/21 season, 900 thousand hectares of beer barley were sown in Argentina, 10 percent less than in the previous season, and the average yield was 46.5 quintals per hectare, 24 percent more than in the season. 2019/20. According to the latest survey of applied technology (Retaa) of the Buenos Aires Cereal Exchange, the … Read more

The Hospital del Vinalopó performs 3D mammograms with contrast in women with a previous cancer or a history

“The Hospital del Vinalopó is among the privileged health centers with a technology like this, capable of detecting tumors as small as 4 millimeters. In addition, these 3D mammograms with contrast allow to perform tomosynthesis biopsies, in order to take a sample of the breast tissue with great precision and three-dimensional images “, explains Ribera … Read more

Communication in times of crisis: Researchers develop strategies that make information accessible to everyone

Communication in times of crisis: Researchers develop strategies that make information accessible to everyone Sciensano, the Belgian Institute for Public Health, is funding a research project that aims to develop a new communication strategy that will ensure that information is accessible to everyone in times of crisis – regardless of education, disability or social status. … Read more

Alencon. After seven days in hospital, Alain pays tribute to caregivers

It was important for him to put his tribute down on paper. 71-year-old Alain has just spent seven days at the intercommunal hospital center (Chic) ofAlencon-Mamers. This inhabitant of the urban community of Alençon (Orne) underwent surgery that required a one-week hospital stay, from April 6 to 14. Fresh back home, he picked up his … Read more

Coronavirus. New York pays tribute to its 30,000 deaths from Covid-19

New York, which is the city of United States the most bereaved by the coronavirus, paid a moving tribute to his 30,258 dead, one year after the start of the pandemic. “We have lost more New Yorkers than in WWII, the Vietnam War, Hurricane Sandy and 9/11 combined. Every family has been affected, and for … Read more

La Fe performs 20,000 molecular studies on cancer patients

The Molecular Biology Unit (UBM) of the Clinical Analysis Service of the Hospital Universitari y Politècnic La Fe de València has increased in recent years the number of molecular diagnostic studies of cancer, a service that it also provides for other Spanish centers, and in 2020 made more than 20,000 determinations in this type of … Read more

Kris Jenner is copying this business after her daughters – fashion and beauty

The reality family wants to “slightly” increase their wealth. “Momager” Kris Jenner announced the creation of her own beauty line. What made my daughter Kylie Jenner a billionaire, I can too! That seems to be thinking about reality mom Kris Jenner, who became a global star on the reality show “Keeping up with the Kardashians”. … Read more

“Courageous”, “respectful” “loyal” … The political class pays tribute to Marielle de

The announcement of the death on Wednesday January 13 of former minister Marielle de Sarnez, right arm of Francois Bayrou for decades, immediately sparked a shower of tributes from her peers of all stripes, who greeted a politician “Courageous”, “Respectful” and “Loyal”. The centrist MP, chair of the Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee, died Wednesday at … Read more

Attack in Nice. The Cannes Film Festival pays tribute to the victims

At the end of these three days of festival, the Palme d’Or for best short film was awarded to the Egyptian film “I’am afraid to forget your face” by Sameh Alaa. In total, eleven international short films, ranging from fiction to animation to documentaries, were in competition. The jury, which was notably composed of the … Read more

Chip ID and driving licenses are combined! How to apply for a new chip ID card?

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu announced that the driver’s license information will be loaded on the new ID card as of September 21. Minister Soylu said, “I congratulate my friends who have made the use of technology to facilitate the work of our citizens in all its forms, and who actually make an effort to ensure … Read more