Do Magnesium Supplements Really Help with Cramps and Muscle Pain? Expert Opinion from Radboud University

Do Magnesium Supplements Really Help with Cramps and Muscle Pain? Expert Opinion from Radboud University

We’ve all been there: after a tough endurance run or tough tempo training, your muscles feel quite stiff the next day. Do magnesium supplements help against cramps and muscle pain? This is what Jeroen de Baaij, who as a physiologist at Radboud university medical center conducts research into the effects of magnesium, says. ‘Many professional … Read more

The Importance of Magnesium for Bone Health and Vitamin D Absorption

The Importance of Magnesium for Bone Health and Vitamin D Absorption

Fatima Khalil wrote Wednesday, December 13, 2023 11:00 PM magnesium Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients in the human body, and there is a great correlation between magnesium and vitamin D. Magnesium deficiency in the body affects the absorption of vitamin D, as when we obtain vitamin D from sunlight and foods, magnesium … Read more

‘Magnesium’ an indispensable mineral. What are ‘magnesium-containing foods’?

‘Magnesium’ an indispensable mineral.  What are ‘magnesium-containing foods’?

Magnesium It is an important mineral that affects the functioning of the organs in the body. From the study it was found that magnesium Relation to the work of muscles and nervous system Especially while exercising The body needs more magnesium than normal. Magnesium is like a muscle relaxant. Helps bring blood sugar to the … Read more

Anxiety and headaches…signs that indicate that you have a magnesium deficiency in your body

Anxiety and headaches…signs that indicate that you have a magnesium deficiency in your body

Written by Rania Amer Sunday, November 19, 2023 08:00 PM Diet plays an essential role in maintaining the general health of people and it must include a group of nutrients that contain calcium, vitamin D, and iron, the most common vitamins and minerals, in addition to magnesium, according to what was published by the website.onlymyhealth.. … Read more

Signs of Magnesium Deficiency and Tips for Overcoming It

Signs of Magnesium Deficiency and Tips for Overcoming It

Written by Mervat Rashad Tuesday, September 12, 2023 05:00 PM loss magnesiumIt is a condition characterized by insufficient levels of magnesium in the body. It is an essential mineral that participates in many bodily processes, including muscle and nerve function, energy production, and bone health. Here are the common signs of magnesium deficiency and tips … Read more

Best Magnesium Supplements for Runners: Easily Absorbed and High Quality

Best Magnesium Supplements for Runners: Easily Absorbed and High Quality

Prostock-StudioGetty Images You may have heard of magnesium supplements. These minerals can be found in various types of vegetables, fruit and grains, but they can also be obtained through a nutritional supplement. The mineral has numerous benefits for runners. We have listed the best quality supplements for you. Magnesium: these supplements are easily absorbed Magnesium … Read more

The Importance of Magnesium for Sleep and Overall Health

The Importance of Magnesium for Sleep and Overall Health

Written by Rania Amer Thursday, August 24, 2023 10:00 am Studies confirm that regular exercise, in addition to good nutrition, enhance the quality of sleep and the general health of the body, and reduce anxiety and disorders that some suffer from, according to what was published by the British Express website. Dr. Naomi Newman-Beinart, a … Read more

Essential Nutrients for Bone Health and How to Incorporate Them into Your Diet

Essential Nutrients for Bone Health and How to Incorporate Them into Your Diet

When it comes to bone health, it’s natural to think of calcium – that essential mineral that, from the milk we drank as children, was introduced to us as our ally in building a strong skeleton. But bone health isn’t just about calcium. Other essential nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium and phosphorus … Read more

11 Common Signs of Magnesium Deficiency You Should Be Aware Of

11 Common Signs of Magnesium Deficiency You Should Be Aware Of

Written by Mervat Rashad Saturday, June 10, 2023 05:00 PM Magnesium is a mineral necessary for many biochemical processes in the body, including muscle function and nervesenergy metabolism, and protein synthesis. It is also important for maintaining strong bones and a healthy immune system. Magnesium deficiency occurs when the body does not get enough magnesium … Read more

“Why Do We Crave Chocolate? The Importance of Magnesium for Our Bodies”

“Why Do We Crave Chocolate? The Importance of Magnesium for Our Bodies”

Have you ever had a sudden craving for a certain food? In fact, when we have a sudden and sudden food craving for a certain food, sometimes it is not simply a gluttony, boredom or heart addiction attack, but our body lacks certain substances and needs to be replenished as soon as possible. Today, let’s … Read more