[Bidh draoidh absurd a’ reic cungaidh-leigheis meallta]All the students are fairies, arhats, and land lords, and the “Great Sun Tathagata” sells elixirs and kills himself – Mirror Media

[Bidh draoidh absurd a’ reic cungaidh-leigheis meallta]All the students are fairies, arhats, and land lords, and the “Great Sun Tathagata” sells elixirs and kills himself – Mirror Media

2024.08.21 05:28 Taipei time current events Huang Senting founded the ashram and called himself “Great Sun Tathagata”, and he often led his followers to hold Dharma meetings and courses. (provided by readers) Huang Senting, chairman of the “China Global In Situ Shortcut Development Society” in Kaohsiung, calls himself the “Great Sun Tathagata” and affirms that … Read more