Daily Tooth Brushing Linked to Lower Pneumonia Rates in Hospital Patients: Study

Daily Tooth Brushing Linked to Lower Pneumonia Rates in Hospital Patients: Study

A new analysis of more than 2,700 patients shows that maintaining good dental hygiene can prevent people from developing pneumonia in hospital, with fewer cases of common lung infections associated with daily tooth brushing. Selena Ehrenzeler and Michael Klumbas, two epidemiologists who specialize in infectious diseases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, compiled data … Read more

Jiří Krampol Sets The Record Straight About Health Speculations in Interview with TN.cz

Jiří Krampol Sets The Record Straight About Health Speculations in Interview with TN.cz

Jiří Krampol is furious, because speculations have once again spread that he is in bad health. He therefore decided to set everything straight for TN.cz. He is currently in the hospital only for a few examinations, but he has a strong will to live. Actor Jiří Krampol couldn’t stop marveling at his eyes, because he … Read more

6 tips to prevent pneumonia during weather fluctuations

6 tips to prevent pneumonia during weather fluctuations

Written by Rania Amer Friday, November 24, 2023 10:00 AM With the onset of the winter season, many individuals, especially children, are exposed to throat and respiratory infections, including: Pneumonia It is an inflammation of the air sacs of one of the lungs, and sometimes both, which leads to a cough accompanied by mucus, fever, … Read more

The Fear and Strength of Felix Slováček as His Daughter Battles Cancer

The Fear and Strength of Felix Slováček as His Daughter Battles Cancer

Felix Slováček understandably has an indescribable fear for his daughter Anička. Only twenty-eight years old, the singer and actress has already beaten cancer once, but now the disease has returned and this time it has affected her lungs. How does Felix experience the whole situation as a father? No parent wants to watch their child … Read more

The Dangers of Suppressing a Sneeze: The Terrible Consequences You Might Face

The Dangers of Suppressing a Sneeze: The Terrible Consequences You Might Face

When you sneeze, the airway pressure is up to 20 times higher than when you cough… If you stop it, something terrible can happen. Entered 2023.10.31 11:10 Views 108 Entered 2023.10.31 11:10 Modified 2023.10.31 12:51 Views 108 You should never try to stop yourself from sneezing. This is because it can cause serious damage to … Read more

Causes and Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism

Causes and Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism

Rania Amer wrote Saturday, October 21, 2023 09:00 PM Pulmonary embolism It is one of the chronic diseases that affect the lungs, and a person suffers from obstruction when chronic inflammation occurs in the patient’s bronchial tubes. This leads to narrowing of the bronchial tubes, which results in abnormal entry and exit of air into … Read more

Lebanese Health Care Professional Warns Against Johnson & Johnson Powder Causing Uterine and Lung Cancer

Lebanese Health Care Professional Warns Against Johnson & Johnson Powder Causing Uterine and Lung Cancer

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A Lebanese health care professional has warned against Johnson & Johnson powder, noting that it causes uterine and lung cancer. And she indicated during a video clip that a woman could no longer have children because of Johnson & Johnson powder, and she said: “Because of this product, she lost her uterus, and … Read more

“Virgen Macarena Hospital Leads the Way in Cancer Research with New Lung Cancer Vaccine Using Messenger RNA Technology”

“Virgen Macarena Hospital Leads the Way in Cancer Research with New Lung Cancer Vaccine Using Messenger RNA Technology”

Cancer research is advancing and, with it, Sevillian public health has positioned itself at the global pinnacle of these advances. The Virgen Macarena Hospital has become a spearhead at the national level in the application of a new treatment against the most aggressive type of tumor and the one that causes the highest mortality: lung … Read more

“Sevillian Hospital Leads the Way in Lung Cancer Vaccine and Immunotherapy Treatment”

“Sevillian Hospital Leads the Way in Lung Cancer Vaccine and Immunotherapy Treatment”

Cancer research is advancing and, with it, Sevillian public health has positioned itself at the global pinnacle of these advances. The Virgen Macarena Hospital has become a spearhead at the national level in the application of a new treatment against the most aggressive type of tumor and the one that causes the highest mortality: lung … Read more