Russian Minister Complains to Luhut, What’s Up?

Russian Minister Complains to Luhut, What’s Up?

Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan has met the Russian economy minister. During the meeting, Luhut questioned the offer to buy oil given to Indonesia. Luhut admitted that he had gone to Russia to process oil purchases from that country. “I came from the minister of economy from Russia, … Read more

Central Meteorological Observatory: The temperature in the northern region fluctuates more and the precipitation in the central and eastern regions is less

Central Meteorological Observatory: The temperature in the northern region fluctuates more and the precipitation in the central and eastern regions is less

1. In the past 10 days, there has been less precipitation in most parts of the country, and there has been extremely cold weather in northern Heilongjiang In the past 10 days (January 16-25), the cumulative precipitation in Jianghuai, eastern Jiangnan and other places has been 10-20 mm, and the local area has exceeded 25 … Read more

Knowing the Bajo tribe in Indonesia, inspired the movie “Avatar The Way of Water” Page all

Knowing the Bajo tribe in Indonesia, inspired the movie “Avatar The Way of Water” Page all – Director Avatar: The Way of WaterJames Cameron, has revealed that the Metkayina tribe in the film was inspired Suku Bajo in Indonesia. The Metkayina tribe in the film’s sequel Avatars he himself is an inhabitant of Pandora who rules the ocean. They live on the sea coast of Pandora which offers beautiful views. … Read more

Luhut praises these 2 figures in front of KPK leaders: take off your mask

Luhut praises these 2 figures in front of KPK leaders: take off your mask

Jakarta – In the presence of KPK President Firli Bahuri, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investments (Menko Marvest) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan he praised the performance of two people he considered fantastic. Both are considered excellent because they encourage the digitization of ports. The two individuals are National Anti-Corruption Strategy Implementation Coordinator (Stranas PK) Pahala … Read more

A 1,000 riyal fine for throwing rubbish on the streets and out of vehicle windows

A 1,000 riyal fine for throwing rubbish on the streets and out of vehicle windows

The environment, agriculture, water and biological resources sector has adopted a new regulatory framework through a classification table for violations of the waste management system and its implementing regulations, which the National Center is working on, which has classified them in 5 rankings : very low, low, medium, high, very high, with a fine imposed … Read more