Xóchitl Gálvez, the opponent who faces López Obrador in his race for the presidency

Xóchitl Gálvez, the opponent who faces López Obrador in his race for the presidency

(EFE).- The senator of the right-wing National Action Party (PAN) Xóchitl Gálvez announced on Tuesday that she will seek to be the presidential candidate of the opposition coalition Va por México, a race in which she will try to profit from her confrontations with President Andrés Manuel López Workshop. That, added to her extensive political … Read more

Family Theater Program draws 3,231 spectators in its five performances in Badajoz

Family Theater Program draws 3,231 spectators in its five performances in Badajoz

Home / Culture / Family Theater Program draws 3,231 spectators in its five performances in Badajoz Held at the López de Ayala Theater The tickets of the last three sold for 1 euro raised 1,692 euros which were donated to the Centro Nuestra Señora de la Luz in Badajoz. December 27, 2022 🇧🇷 Posted : … Read more

Natacha López: “Running pregnant is something natural, it suits me”

Natacha López: “Running pregnant is something natural, it suits me”

He let it run for 742 consecutive days with his inseparable David; she became pregnant with her first child, Andrew up to week 30 and from the second, Zlatan, up to 39 years. Natacha López didn’t stop running when her life shook her in 2015 with a heavy blow: breast cancer against which she fought … Read more

“Health authorities have neglected vaccination”: Francisco Moreno

“Health authorities have neglected vaccination”: Francisco Moreno

The country’s health authorities have neglected vaccination so much that they have gone to the extreme of selecting “groups that can be immunized” and those that cannot, when it is a right for the entire population, said the internist and infectious disease specialist. Francisco Moreno. There are susceptible groups, he said, which obviously may be … Read more