here are the models most at risk

Car thefta phenomenon concentrated above all in the Center-South but which is constantly increasing in Lombardy. Among the Northern Regions, in fact, Lombardy boasts the sad record of stolen cars (8,024 cars stolen in 2021) and follows Campania (20,499), Lazio (13,050), Puglia (12,850) and Sicily (9,194). Read also> Matteo Bassetti, the scam of the arthrosis … Read more

Lombardy, the health reform between territorial medicine and prevention: this is how the Region tries to turn the page after Covid

Letizia Moratti’s draft of the Lombard healthcare reform is now ready. Now the center-right majority will have to agree to prepare the bill to be approved first by the council and then by the regional council. The most obvious step back from expectations concerns the relationship between the Region and private structures. In the development … Read more

Covid, Bertolaso: “All of Italy towards the red zone”

The numbers of the new infected are growing, especially thanks to the English variant. And the colors of the different areas of Italy could change from hour to hour. For Guido Bertolaso, consultant to the president of the Lombardy Region for the Vaccinal Plan “all of Italy, except Sardinia, is approaching with long strides towards … Read more

Schools, in Campania all closed from March 1st | More and more cases in Italy, we return to resort to Dad: the map

Campania closes all schools – “From 1 March we close all schools”. Vincenzo De Luca communicated this during a live Facebook. The president of the Region stressed that especially in the classes of Naples there have been several cases of English variant. “The second reason for the closure – explained De Luca – is to … Read more

“We aim to vaccinate all Lombards by June” –

“Sara the most important civil protection operation ever carried out in Italy. This is an exquisite genuine, pure, civil defense emergency situation, ”he said Guido Bertolaso, new consultant for the vaccination campaign of Lombardy, during a press conference in the Region with the president Attilio Fontana and the vice president Letizia Moratti. “I am a … Read more

reshuffle, the latest rumors – Libero Quotidiano

A sensational indiscretion that is finding several confirmations. There is talk of the reshuffle in Lombardy and the now almost certain turnover that will concern Giulio Gallera, councilor for welfare who has not been forgiven the last unfortunate sentence on vaccines and doctors on vacation. According to what is learned, it could end up in … Read more

these are two Italians who landed at Malpensa – Libero Quotidiano

The new “English variant” also identified in Lombardy. The confirmation is disseminated by the Policlinico San Matteo of Pavia which speaks of two cases. It is about two Italian citizens landed at Malpensa on 23 and 24 December. The two events – explains the hospital – “are independent of each other and are in no … Read more

thus territorial medicine fails

General practitioners who recommend treatment with aspirin, mayors, like Robbio’s, who buy tampons out of their own pockets and distribute them house by house to people, because a real tracking is not done, doctors unreachable. Here is the photograph of territorial medicine in Lombardy more than nine months after the infection. A disheartening panorama. What … Read more