Found without life an environmental activist dedicated to the protection of the monarch butterfly in Mexico | Society

Found without life an environmental activist dedicated to the protection of the monarch butterfly in Mexico | Society

The Mexican environmental activist, Homero Gómez González. Photo: Twitter | Video: EPV The prosecution of Michoacan state – located in western Mexico – has reported that he has located the body of Homero Gómez González, a recognized environmental activist dedicated to the protection of monarch butterflies, whose survival is threatened by the destruction of its … Read more

Liverpool fiddles with Mourinho’s declining Tottenham | sports

Liverpool fiddles with Mourinho’s declining Tottenham | sports

Jose Mourinho He started winning four of his first five games at the head of Tottenham and for two weeks the choirs that announced the advent of a new charismatic leadership in North London spread. A month later, Tottenham chains its fourth consecutive game without winning and the choirs remit. Reality has separated the contingent … Read more