Banks: How they will stimulate demand for housing and consumer loans – 2024-08-07 15:04:00

Banks: How they will stimulate demand for housing and consumer loans
 – 2024-08-07 15:04:00

A central bet for the next three years for banks is the development of operations in retail financing. We are talking about housing and consumer loans, the disbursements of which remain at low levels compared to the period of overdevelopment of the sector in the 2000s, after the country’s entry into the euro. This is … Read more

Austral Group authorizes credit and mortgage on the Ilo plant with Banco Itaú

Austral Group authorizes credit and mortgage on the Ilo plant with Banco Itaú

In its last session, the Board of Directors Australian Group approve a line of credit with the Itau bank. Likewise, the fishing which is part of the Norwegian group Austevoll Seafood ASA agreed to establish a mortgage on their business center located in Iloin favor of the said banking entity. The aforementioned line of credit … Read more

Tudense metropolis library elevated loans by 30% to date this 12 months

Tudense metropolis library elevated loans by 30% to date this 12 months

La Biblioteca Municipal de Tui ha cerrado el primer semestre del año con un significativo incremento en el número de préstamos. En total, se han prestado 9.195 libros, lo que representa un 30% más que los retirados para la lectura a domicilio en el mismo periodo del año pasado, cuando fueron 7.005 los ejemplares prestados. … Read more