The ECB named three main risks for European banks

The ECB named three main risks for European banks

Первый связан с тем, что высокие ставки усиливают риски для финансирования собственных обязательств кредитных организаций. Рост процентных платежей по депозитам в данном случае сопровождается изменением структуры задолженности. Это выражается в сокращении числа сделок на межбанковском рынке, в частности в сегменте овернайт, и ростом доли более длинных инструментов, отмечают в ЕЦБ. «Высокая в настоящее время прибыльность … Read more

Senate president defends loans and says “they are all p

Senate president defends loans and says “they are all p

The president of the Senate, Ricardo de los Santos, defended this Thursday the loans which the National Congress has approved alleging that all debts have been used for investment projects. Upon leaving a meeting of talks in conjunction with the Constitutional Court, the senator explained that the majority of the loans are included in the … Read more

Officials and opponents clashed over government loans

Officials and opponents clashed over government loans

By Jessica Soriano SANTO DOMINGO.- Official legislators justified the more than 1.4 billion dollars approved this Wednesday between both chambers of the National Congress for the construction of State works, improving energy efficiency and for disaster risk management. However, for the opposition, the loans are nothing more than a “deadly blow” for the Dominican people, … Read more

Deputies approve loans for more than US$ 1,200 million

Deputies approve loans for more than US$ 1,200 million

Santo Domingo.- “We are not going to vote for these loans“, said Tobías Crespo, spokesperson for the People’s Force. The legislators of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) and the People’s Force (FP) and the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) declared themselves in mourning because in this Wednesday’s session in the Lower House, at least six new … Read more