Hepatitis B study with liver organoids: early signs of liver cancer visible

Hepatitis B study with liver organoids: early signs of liver cancer visible

Difficult to investigate It was known that a chronic infection with the hepatitis B virus can lead to liver cancer. But how exactly that happens is largely unclear. That was difficult to investigate. The virus only infects human cells, so a good animal model was lacking. Research with cell lines is the alternative, but it … Read more

Wu Mengda died of liver cancer!The actor’s “hepatic burst with 100 tumors” 31-year-old dead silent killer 5 symptoms exposed

Wu Mengda died of liver cancer!The actor’s “hepatic burst with 100 tumors” 31-year-old dead silent killer 5 symptoms exposed

Wu Mengda (left) and An Juncan (right) both died of liver cancer. (Picture/Flip from Weibo, the same below) – — A+ A- Hong Kong star Wu Mengda suffered from liver cancer last year. He received chemotherapy after undergoing surgery recently. Today (27th) his condition has taken a turn for the worse. He died in the … Read more

Wu Mengda passed away from liver cancer… Scholars have revealed that 5 symptoms may soon be seen as a sign

Wu Mengda passed away from liver cancer… Scholars have revealed that 5 symptoms may soon be seen as a sign

Well-known Hong Kong star Wu Mengda died of liver cancer this evening (27th). He lived at the age of 70 and shocked the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In Taiwan, liver cancer has always been one of the top three causes of cancer deaths. The number of deaths from liver cancer each year is between … Read more

“White Tower” actress died at the age of 44, 11 years of cancer, but still lost to the disease | Entertainment | New head shell Newtalk

“White Tower” actress died at the age of 44, 11 years of cancer, but still lost to the disease | Entertainment | New head shell Newtalk

South Korean actress Kim Bo-gyeong died of illness on the 2nd of this month at the age of 44.Picture: Reversed from Weibo – – South Korean actress Kim Bo-gyeong has appeared in many film and television masterpieces such as “The White Tower” and “School 4” for 20 years since her debut. However, after 11 years … Read more

“The 5-year average survival rate of liver cancer patients is 40%

“The 5-year average survival rate of liver cancer patients is 40%

The Planning Committee of the Korean Liver Cancer Association said that early diagnosis and prevention are important because liver cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Koreans. Liver cancer is a carcinoma that occupies the 6th largest incidence of carcinoma in Korea in 2017 (the incidence of age standardization in 17.0 persons/10 million … Read more

Fatty liver is not just fat!Do 2 things a day to reverse fatty liver | Cirrhosis | Liver cancer | Eliminate fatty liver

Fatty liver is not just fat!Do 2 things a day to reverse fatty liver | Cirrhosis | Liver cancer | Eliminate fatty liver

Fatty liverIt has become one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. Although the symptoms are not easy to detect and do not hurt or itch, they may develop intoLiver cirrhosis、Liver cancer. Fortunately, fatty liver can be reversed, and the method is very simple, and it can be done every day. Fatty liver … Read more