Penance: Saskia Niño de Rivera talks with Benjamín Serment, sentenced for the crime of Parricide

Penance: Saskia Niño de Rivera talks with Benjamín Serment, sentenced for the crime of Parricide

Written in NEWS on 8/22/2024 · 3:36 p.m. On this occasion, Saskia Niño de Rivera talked with Benjamin Serment Rosiquea young man who is deprived of his freedom after being accused of being the mastermind behind the death of his parents Adriana Rosique Manjarrez and the filmmaker Lion Serment Warrior. We are just a few … Read more

Benjamín Serment, the young man who wanted to get money from his parents and is now in prison

Benjamín Serment, the young man who wanted to get money from his parents and is now in prison

On August 27, 2016, a nightmare would begin for the Sermet Rosique family in Mexico City, as León Sermet Guerrero, a family man, filmmaker and producer, would suffer a terrible attack, allegedly under assault, losing his life after being attacked by two criminals with a knife, while his son, Benjamín Sermet Rosique, would only limit … Read more