Former Generali board member joins Provincial’s team of recruits

Former Generali board member joins Provincial’s team of recruits

20.3.2023 dr Rainer Sommer (50) will become a member of the board of directors on June 1st Provincial Holding AG as well as the subsidiaries Provincial Insurance Ltd, Provincial North Brandkasse AG, Provincial Northwest Life Insurance AG and provincial Rhineland Life Insurance Ltd. The company announced this on Friday evening. Technological further development at the … Read more

bad insurance salesman Deceive to buy a new policy every year, hoping to pump the total damage of 60 million : PPTVHD36

bad insurance salesman  Deceive to buy a new policy every year, hoping to pump the total damage of 60 million : PPTVHD36

A family complained that the PPTV news team bought a life insurance policy. But instead being tricked by insurance company representatives to buy new insurance every year Scheme will give more returns without having to pay the same insurance premium. before taking the money that the customer paid the premium to open a new policy … Read more

Court ruling forces intermediaries to prepare for contingencies

Court ruling forces intermediaries to prepare for contingencies

February 8, 2023 – According to a decision by the European Court of Justice, insurance agents and brokers have to comply with customers’ right to information in more detail than before. Upon request, they must specify which cooperation partners have received the data and explain the processes in a transparent manner. Just naming a category … Read more

Bornheim Beethovenstr. | Debeka

Welcome to the service office You too can benefit from our trademarks: the outstanding service in your area and the convincing price-performance ratio of our products. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about insurance tailored to your individual needs. If you use the “Microsoft Bing Maps” map service, your data … Read more

Six insurers in the test brochure – VersicherungsJournal Austria

Six insurers in the test brochure – VersicherungsJournal Austria

12/16/2022 – Telemark Marketing has once again tested what experiences potential customers have when they contact major insurers for the first time. Wait times on the phone vary from company to company, with five minutes not enough time to establish contact in seven percent of cases. Clarification of a content-related question was answered positively in … Read more