Munich: Former mayor Ude and artist Ron Williams have a bet going – for 100,000 signatures – Munich

Munich: Former mayor Ude and artist Ron Williams have a bet going – for 100,000 signatures – Munich

You’ll never manage it! – I’ll manage it! – Bet you not? – Bet you can? Agreed, the bet is on! The artist Ron Williams, 82, and Munich’s former mayor Christian Ude, 76, recently battled like schoolboys as they and their fellow campaigners pondered how to publicize their newly founded association. It is called “Not … Read more

TSV 1860 Munich publishes Panini booklet – fan rush

TSV 1860 Munich publishes Panini booklet – fan rush

The “Kraiburger” is already full, they are saying. After simply sooner or later, the TSV 1860 supporter, one of the loyal of the Munich membership, collected all 264 images and positioned them within the album. Membership report! It has been there since Friday Giesing Gathering fever: For the one hundred and twenty fifth birthday of … Read more

TSV 1860 Munich publishes the Panini booklet

TSV 1860 Munich publishes the Panini booklet

The “Kraiburger” is already full, they are saying. After simply at some point, the TSV 1860 supporter, one of the crucial loyal of the Munich membership, collected all 264 photographs and positioned them within the album. Membership document! Fever has been gathering in Giesing since Friday: for the one hundred and twenty fifth anniversary of … Read more

Allach special education day care center: A deal for the future

Allach special education day care center: A deal for the future

The negotiations were difficult. But they were worth it: the special education day care center in Allach was saved. The association for curative education, which has been running the facility at Eversbuschstrasse 156 for more than 40 years, acquired the property itself – for around six million euros. Christoph Duschl is happy. “I’m glad the … Read more

Sports celebrities at the Munich Ispo

Sports celebrities at the Munich Ispo

It’s a nice, pleasantly soft final gong that they have there at the Munich sporting goods fair Ispo, every evening at six. Dingdong then sounds from all the loudspeakers, followed by the information: “The trade fair is over for today. We wish you a safe journey home.” Sometimes, however, this comes at an inopportune time, … Read more

Munich: City clears out sleeping places for homeless people at Stachus

Munich: City clears out sleeping places for homeless people at Stachus

The city of Munich is clearing out homeless people’s sleeping quarters at Stachus. Twelve people have been sitting there in front of the former Galeria Kaufhof building for a long time, as the city reports. It goes on to say that these are mostly homeless beggars who are aware of all offers of homeless assistance, … Read more

Promoting Tolerance and Diversity: Munich City Library’s Bold Steps for Children’s Literature

Promoting Tolerance and Diversity: Munich City Library’s Bold Steps for Children’s Literature

Basically, the Munich City Library is to be commended. For their commitment to bringing tolerance and diversity to as many parts of society as possible. Especially with these topics there can hardly be one too young for the audience. The courage to tread surprising paths also deserves recognition. Stories are particularly well received when the … Read more

The Tragic Consequences of Shaken Baby Syndrome

The Tragic Consequences of Shaken Baby Syndrome

The smaller the children are, the faster it has to go. An infant, a few months old, the doctors at the hospital diagnose severe brain injuries. The suspicion: father or mother shook the baby. Suspicion becomes certainty, and the youth welfare office is notified. The search begins immediately: for a place where the baby will … Read more