A second chance: Millions of New Yorkers will benefit from law sealing criminal records

A second chance: Millions of New Yorkers will benefit from law sealing criminal records

Read transcript state, which is now added toother similar legislation.the details of this law fora second chance.peggy: a kind of boron andnew account new yorkto the background ofconvicted of certain crimes.that could benefit the ace of2,000,000 people.You will only achieve this if you gavea turn to your life, he said,assembly member and sponsor ofthe law … Read more

How lies and truth affect a person’s attractiveness

How lies and truth affect a person’s attractiveness

An international group of psychologists from the University of British Columbia in Canada and Columbia University in the USA studied how lies and truth affect a person’s attractiveness in the eyes of others, Zakon.kz reports. According to a study, writes a scientific journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (PSPB), in a series of 3 tests, … Read more

Will the procedure for obtaining a US visa be simplified?

Will the procedure for obtaining a US visa be simplified?

At a press conference on September 29, US Ambassador to Kazakhstan Daniel Rosenblum answered the question whether the procedure for obtaining non-migration visas to the States would be simplified, a Zakon.kz correspondent reports. The head of the diplomatic mission noted that the United States is interested in helping citizens of both countries move. “It’s so … Read more

Requirements for inDrive and Yandex drivers will be tightened in Kazakhstan

Requirements for inDrive and Yandex drivers will be tightened in Kazakhstan

On September 28, 2023, the Ministry of Transport explained what restrictions could be introduced for private road carriers inDrive and Yandex in Kazakhstan, a Zakon.kz correspondent reports. As the head of the Committee of the Ministry of Transport, Ali Altai, said during a briefing, inDrive and Yandex drivers, in pursuit of orders, often neglect rest … Read more

An outbreak of a deadly virus for which there is no cure has been recorded in India.

An outbreak of a deadly virus for which there is no cure has been recorded in India.

In the Indian state of Kerala, the number of people infected with the Nipah virus is growing. There is no cure for the deadly disease, Zakon.kz reports. Officially, five deaths have been reported from the Nepah virus, including one child. The authorities in the state of Kerala have closed schools, offices, and are treating the … Read more

Termination of Employment Relationship Following After-Party Incident

Termination of Employment Relationship Following After-Party Incident

12.09.2023 After a drinking session on the employer’s premises after a Christmas party, the parties agreed today before the Third Chamber of the Düsseldorf Regional Labor Court at the employer’s suggestion to terminate their employment relationship. The plaintiff, who lives in North Rhine-Westphalia, has been employed as an area manager for Central (NRW) in the … Read more

UN experts call on Azerbaijan to unblock Lachin corridor as soon as possible

UN experts call on Azerbaijan to unblock Lachin corridor as soon as possible

UN experts and the former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued a statement calling on Azerbaijan to lift the blockade of the Lachin corridor as soon as possible, Zakon.kz reports. According to CNN, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees appealed to the Azerbaijani authorities to unblock the … Read more

Rainstorms and extreme heat expected across much of Kazakhstan on Wednesday

Rainstorms and extreme heat expected across much of Kazakhstan on Wednesday

A storm warning has been announced in 14 regions of the country on August 9, Zakon.kz reports citing Kazhydromet RSE. In the south, in the center, mountainous areas Zhetysu region thunderstorm is expected. Southwest wind with thunderstorm 15-20, in the area Alakol lakes gusts 18-23 m/s. Most of the area remains an emergency fire danger. … Read more

Loaders with an exoskeleton shocked social networks in China

Loaders with an exoskeleton shocked social networks in China

In China, a number of companies are offering exoskeleton robots to their workers to improve work efficiency and prevent injury, Zakon.kz reports. A growing number of companies have begun equipping their workers with exoskeleton robots to meet the demand for transportation services during the peak summer season. The technology is used by companies in Beijing, … Read more