Europe Days of Music: A Harmonious Celebration of Cultural Unity

Europe Days of Music: A Harmonious Celebration of Cultural Unity

and Czech jazz and cabaret ensembles will perform at the Grafenmühlweiher on Sunday morning. The event will start at 10:30 a.m. and will continue until 1:30 p.m. This will be a perfect opportunity for music lovers to enjoy a relaxing Sunday morning by the lake while listening to some amazing jazz and cabaret performances. The … Read more

Old cars have left the services – Kommersant newspaper No. 238 (7439) of 12/22/2022

Old cars have left the services – Kommersant newspaper No.  238 (7439) of 12/22/2022

Before the New Year holidays, the demand for used cars in Russia stalled. The main car research services report a drop in requests compared to November. Dealers, whose share in this market is 10-20%, on the contrary, experience an influx of customers for used cars – this is facilitated both by replenishing the fleet through … Read more