Astrology Alert: 3 Zodiac Signs Predicted to Face Financial Struggles and Losses Soon

Astrology Alert: 3 Zodiac Signs Predicted to Face Financial Struggles and Losses Soon

07:30 p.m Sunday, October 13, 2024 Asmaa Morsi wrote: According to astrology, those born under 3 zodiac signs will face financial problems and losses in the coming period, according to what was reported on the “Bustle” website. 2024-10-13 16:30:00 #dont #luck #zodiac #signs #suffer #financial #losses #crises #coming #period

In pressure, the Intersecretarial Fee of Nationwide Safety Laboratories

In pressure, the Intersecretarial Fee of Nationwide Safety Laboratories

The federal authorities introduced the rules for the group and operation of the Inter-Secretarial Fee of Nationwide Safety Laboratories, which purpose to “gather, analyze and enrich technical-scientific info, to forestall the trafficking of dual-use chemical substances, generally used merchandise that can be utilized to illegally produce artificial medicine. The discover signed by the Secretary of … Read more

Hariri Hospital Employees On Strike: The Hidden Secrets and Collusion Revealed

Hariri Hospital Employees On Strike: The Hidden Secrets and Collusion Revealed

The strike of Rafic Hariri Governmental University Hospital employees, in itself, is not the most prominent event in the hospital case. The strike is not new, but has become a recurring event, the details of its reasons vary, but its essence is a warning against the hospital’s complete collapse. Although the open strike that began … Read more

UAQ’s Quivax Covid-19 Vaccine Project: Prototypes, Funding, and Future Outlook

UAQ’s Quivax Covid-19 Vaccine Project: Prototypes, Funding, and Future Outlook

The Quivax vaccine project against Covid-19 concluded with the delivery of four protein prototypes and one in nucleic acid format; As part of the results of the research and the infrastructure that was acquired to carry it out, the Vaccine Laboratory will be inaugurated at the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ). Regarding resources, own resources … Read more

Porton Down: Leading the Fight Against Future Pandemics

Porton Down: Leading the Fight Against Future Pandemics

Porton Down, one of the most secret scientific research centers in the United Kingdom, is clear about its objective: to stop the next pandemic in its tracks. (Join our WhatsApp channel here and receive all the economic information from Colombia and the world). After getting through the strict security checks at this remote facility, I … Read more

Janitorial Service Lawsuit: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Seeks Over $1 Million in Damages for Lab Freezer Incident

Janitorial Service Lawsuit: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Seeks Over  Million in Damages for Lab Freezer Incident

Jakarta – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, filed a lawsuit against a janitorial service for allegedly shutting down a lab freezer containing research material. The cleaner, who is not being charged in the lawsuit, is a contractor for Daigle Cleaning Systems Inc., which worked for several months in 2020 at a private research … Read more

FBI: COVID-19 was developed in a Chinese lab

FBI: COVID-19 was developed in a Chinese lab

COVID-19 most likely originated in a Chinese government-controlled laboratory. This was stated by FBI director Christopher Wray, quoted by the BBC. The FBI has long believed that the origin of the pandemic was most likely a potential laboratory accident, he explained. This is the first public confirmation of classified FBI information about how the pandemic … Read more