[A ’sabaid airson ceann a deas Taiwan gus speur gorm a thionndadh]2026 succession battle starts early, Blue Committee heats up and targets Bailihou in southern Taiwan – Mirror Media

[A ’sabaid airson ceann a deas Taiwan gus speur gorm a thionndadh]2026 succession battle starts early, Blue Committee heats up and targets Bailihou in southern Taiwan – Mirror Media

2024.10.22 05:28 Taipei time current events <img class="readr-media-react-image" style="object-fit:contain;width:100%;height:100%;filter:unset" src="https://www.mirrormedia.mg/images-next/[email protected]" alt="Senior Kuomintang officials assessed that the South Gaoping area was no longer the green camp it had once been.” rel=”preload”/>Senior Kuomintang officials assessed that the South Gaoping area was no longer the green camp it had once been. The Kuomintang has the advantage of having … Read more

[Taic uaine Corea gus fuasgladh fhaighinn air a’ ghlas 3]Chao Ono failed to win in the Fulong mass vote Wang Jianyan Zhuo Rongtai responded with action-Mirror Weekly Mirror Media

[Taic uaine Corea gus fuasgladh fhaighinn air a’ ghlas 3]Chao Ono failed to win in the Fulong mass vote Wang Jianyan Zhuo Rongtai responded with action-Mirror Weekly Mirror Media

2024.10.07 05:28 Taipei time current events After the meeting, Zhuo Rongtai had a dinner with the Green Committee, and the Green Committee suggested that the Yuan Government also contribute to the general budget. (Provided by Mirror News) To recall the whole story of “Zhuo Han Coffee Party” on September 27th, when Zhuo Rongtai held a … Read more

[Green a’ toirt taic do Chorea a Deas gus fuasgladh fhaighinn air a’ ghlas 2]Green hopes he will stand on the highest levels and South Korea-Yu will gather the top of the blue mountain to become the southern hegemon-Mirror Weekly Mirror Media

[Green a’ toirt taic do Chorea a Deas gus fuasgladh fhaighinn air a’ ghlas 2]Green hopes he will stand on the highest levels and South Korea-Yu will gather the top of the blue mountain to become the southern hegemon-Mirror Weekly Mirror Media

2024.10.07 05:28 Taipei time current events Han Guoyu began meeting important people in central and southern China, which was interpreted as deepening his political strength. Han Guoyu jumped to the throne and began to paddle towards the goal of becoming the first brother of the Blue Army in the south. This magazine understands that the … Read more

I made the film to clear myself and I didn’t break the law! Huang Shaoting admitted to fraudulently receiving helper’s fees and sending monthly payments to his wife – Mirror Media

I made the film to clear myself and I didn’t break the law! Huang Shaoting admitted to fraudulently receiving helper’s fees and sending monthly payments to his wife – Mirror Media

2024.09.30 19:40 Taipei time current events Kuomintang Kaohsiung City Councilor Huang Shaoting was detained and banned from public view for allegedly fraudulently claiming aide’s fees Huang Shaoting had been hiding in Xiamen for three days offense. However, the Kaohsiung District Court said that Huang admitted in the detention court that he nominated public assistants on … Read more

Cai Yishan revealed her current situation, “I am working hard” and expressed her heart in 24 words: Thank you to my family for their understanding – Mirror Media

Cai Yishan revealed her current situation, “I am working hard” and expressed her heart in 24 words: Thank you to my family for their understanding – Mirror Media

2024.09.22 11:18 Taipei time recreation Cai Yishan once said that “love yourself” is the best way to maintain the balance of life. (Photo taken from IG Cai Yishan) Release time: 2024.09.22 11:18 Taipei Time Update time: 2024.09.22 11:18 Taipei time art a petwinning streakLove HimKuomintang Cai Yishan, the daughter of Hongdou Restaurant, has a good … Read more

[Ling Tao a’ tadhal air na Stàitean Aonaichte gus a chumhachd oifigeil a nochdadh]Photos of the meeting between Blue Camp and Green Camp, the cannabis dealer Zhu Lilun, have been published in disgrace – Mirror Weekly Mirror Media

[Ling Tao a’ tadhal air na Stàitean Aonaichte gus a chumhachd oifigeil a nochdadh]Photos of the meeting between Blue Camp and Green Camp, the cannabis dealer Zhu Lilun, have been published in disgrace – Mirror Weekly Mirror Media

2024.08.08 09:41 Taipei time current events Blue and Green fought on their trip to the United States in the middle of last month, Kang Jinyu, deputy spokesman of the Kuomintang and one of the members of the delegation, revealed yesterday (7th) that he did not go to the Chinese banquet abroad. by Green Camp because … Read more

The Kuomintang will change the legislation subsequent week to lift the brink for recall.

The Kuomintang will change the legislation subsequent week to lift the brink for recall.

Actual Time Middle / Reported by Chen Siyu Blue and White strongly accepted the congressional energy enlargement invoice, and the folks launched Operation Blue Chicken to combat in opposition to the black field and energy enlargement, and demanded its repeal in numerous locations. however,KuomintangThe Legislative Yuan caucus proposes to alter the election recall legislation and … Read more

Blue and White 2.0: Political Center Split in Vote for President and Vice President

Blue and White 2.0: Political Center Split in Vote for President and Vice President

Political Center/Reported by Chen Yunian and Chen Kuihong in Taipei It is reported that the People’s Party Legislative Yuan caucus will split the vote in the “election of president and vice president”. The president supports the DPP Yu Xikun, and the vice president supports Jiang Qichen of the Kuomintang! Huang Shanshan denied this and asked … Read more

Kuomintang Legislative Yuan Leadership Battle: Fu Kunqi’s Push for Reforms and Warning to Han Kuo-yu and Jiang Qichen

Kuomintang Legislative Yuan Leadership Battle: Fu Kunqi’s Push for Reforms and Warning to Han Kuo-yu and Jiang Qichen

In the battle for the leadership of the Legislative Yuan, the Kuomintang launched Han Kuo-yu and Jiang Qichen to compete for the chairman and deputy president. In response to Fu Kunqi’s statement about seeking the leadership of the Congress, Han Kuo-yu said he had “no comment.”central news agency (Ling Media/Comprehensive Report) The new legislative session … Read more

The Kuomintang Defeat: The Wall Street Journal Reports on Cross-Strait Attitudes

The Kuomintang Defeat: The Wall Street Journal Reports on Cross-Strait Attitudes

Reporter Chen Yijie/Reporting from Taipei The Wall Street Journal pointed out that cross-strait attitudes were the reason for the defeat. Chu Lilun: The Kuomintang has never been pro-China. (Picture/Photography by reporter Qiu Rongji) The Wall Street Journal reported that only by changing China policies can the Kuomintang return to power. Zhu Lilun responded today (20th) … Read more