The Role of Midges in Transmitting the Bluetongue Virus: Insights from Insect Expert Peter Koomen

The Role of Midges in Transmitting the Bluetongue Virus: Insights from Insect Expert Peter Koomen

Small mosquitoes that cause dead sheep and infected cattle. Midges are mainly responsible, but according to insect expert Peter Koomen, humans also have a role in it. Midges are small mosquitoes related to mosquitoes. They have bead-shaped antennae and are basically always there, even in the Netherlands. Occasionally they cause problems. Mosquitoes can transmit viruses, … Read more

Bluetongue Outbreak in Netherlands: Veterinarian Warns of Potential Spread to Drenthe

Bluetongue Outbreak in Netherlands: Veterinarian Warns of Potential Spread to Drenthe

At the moment, no cases of bluetongue have been reported in Drenthe, but Bernd Hietberg, veterinarian in Beilen, fears that it is a matter of time before we will also have to deal with it here. The viral disease is currently spreading rapidly among cattle and especially among sheep. Bluetongue infections mainly occur in North … Read more

House of Representatives election: who rules Berlin best

House of Representatives election: who rules Berlin best

Discussion House of Representatives election: who rules Berlin best – 13.07.2021, 22:15 | Reading time: 5 minutes – Livestream: Who rules Berlin best? The Friedrich Naumann Foundation shows a panel discussion with the top candidates for the Berlin House of Representatives election. show description Election in Berlin: top politicians of the parties discuss at a … Read more

Berlin becomes a top location for allergy research

Berlin becomes a top location for allergy research

Cfsmjo cflpnnu FJO ofvft Mfvdiuuvsn.Qspkflu / Embodiment Gsbvoipgfs.Jotujuvu {{vs Bmmfshjfgpstdivoh jfiu you ebbs fifnbmjhf Efvutdif Izhjfof.Jotujuvu bo efo Ijoefocvshebnn you Tufhmju {- ejsflu ofcfo efo Dibsjuê.Dbnqvt Cfokbnjo Gsbolmjo / Embodiment Bchfpseofufoibvt HBc KFU {u 41 Njmmjpofo Fvsp ebgýs gsfj- efs Cvoe tufvfsu fcfogbmmt 41 Njmmjpofo Fvsp eb {v / Ebt ofvf Gpstdivohtjotujuvu tpmm cjt {vn … Read more

Daughter Killed – “Psychopath, Evil, Completely Culpable”

Daughter Killed – “Psychopath, Evil, Completely Culpable”

crime Daughter Killed – “Psychopath, Evil, Completely Culpable” – 08.06.2021, 17:31 | Reading time: 3 minutes – Prof. Dr. Isabella Heuser-Collier is the director of the clinic and university outpatient department for psychiatry and psychotherapy at the Berlin Charité. – Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa The psychiatrist Isabella Heuser-Collier from the Charité explains what … Read more

Berlin says goodbye to drainage

Berlin says goodbye to drainage

Conversion policy Berlin says goodbye to drainage – 07.06.2021, 18:34 | Reading time: 6 minutes – Again and again, streets in Berlin are flooded after heavy rains, such as the Gleim tunnel between Prenzlauer Berg and Wedding – Photo: Thomas Peise For years, rainwater should quickly disappear in the canals. Climate change is forcing people … Read more

Animal concert in the Hippopotamus House of Zoo Berlin

Animal concert in the Hippopotamus House of Zoo Berlin

Berlin Symphony Orchestra Animal concert in the Hippopotamus House of Zoo Berlin – Two hippos enjoy the sun at Berlin Zoo (archive picture). – Photo: Paul Zinken / dpa Classical enjoyment at Zoo Berlin: The Berliner Symphoniker play music in front of the hippos. The stream will go online on May 9th. – – Berlin. … Read more

Corona: rapid tests rarely used – Berliners are “corona tired”

Corona: rapid tests rarely used – Berliners are “corona tired”

= tqbo dmbttµ # bsujdmf“mpdbujpo #? Cfsmjo / ‘octq´ = 0tqbo? Opdi jnnfs fs ÷ ggofo jo Cfsmjo ofvf = b isfgµ # iuuqt; 00xxx / npshfoqptu / dpspobuftu / iunm # ​​ubshfuµ # `cmbol #? Dpspob.Tdiofmmuftutubujpofo = 0b? – {vmfu {u bn Gsfjubh jn Sbuibvt.Dfoufs jo Qbolpx / 2-3 Njmmjpofo lptufomptfs Cýshfp Uft … Read more

Corona emergency brake in Berlin: These steps backwards threaten

Corona emergency brake in Berlin: These steps backwards threaten

pandemic Corona in Berlin: This threatens with an “emergency brake” – Updated: 03/21/2021, 3:40 PM | Reading time: 5 minutes – Is the Corona emergency brake coming? – – Shortly before Easter, the third corona wave gets underway. Many regions have already exceeded the critical incidence value of 100. It is still uncertain whether the … Read more

Corona in Berlin: These professions have the highest risk of corona infection

Corona in Berlin: These professions have the highest risk of corona infection

updated Sick leave analysis These professions have the highest risk of corona infection – Updated: March 17, 2021, 12:08 pm | Reading time: 3 minutes – Kindergarten teacher and children with mouth and nose protection. – Photo: picture alliance / Zoonar Professions in childcare and in the health sector are particularly hard hit by Covid-19, … Read more