UN fund seeks money for education in times of crisis | Current World | DW

UN fund seeks money for education in times of crisis |  Current World |  DW

Wars, conflicts and disasters worldwide mean that millions of children and young people are denied their right to education. The recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria also showed that school buildings are often destroyed or misused in the event of disasters. At a United Nations donor conference in Geneva this Thursday, funds are to be … Read more

Missing for a year: Kidnapped children found in US supermarket

Missing for a year: Kidnapped children found in US supermarket

Missing for a year Kidnapped children found in US supermarket 2/6/2023 11:14 am Almost a year ago, eleven-year-old Brooke G. and her brother were kidnapped from a Missouri suburb. With wanted posters and calls for witnesses, the police are investigating at full speed. Now they can finally breathe a sigh of relief: Officials find the … Read more

New YouTube format: Henrietta: Fit for Sport

New YouTube format: Henrietta: Fit for Sport

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 60 minutes of sport and exercise a day for children and young people, and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) even recommends at least 90 minutes. (ir) In Germany, only about 20 percent of children and young people reach this recommendation. Their physical activity has fallen sharply, particularly … Read more

World Education Day: Red Cross promotes equal opportunities

World Education Day: Red Cross promotes equal opportunities

education as a central key role; Red Cross supports with learning houses, reading sponsors and school magazines Vienna (OTS) – Participation in the education system in Austria is still largely determined by the parental home. For example, some parents can help their children with their homework, while others simply cannot find the time due to … Read more

UN warn of education crisis in East and South Africa

UN warn of education crisis in East and South Africa

Too many African children still do not receive an adequate school education. In addition to the lack of teachers, this is mainly due to tight budgets, criticize the United Nations. From dpa 01/24/2023 – 06:48 am Nairobi/Johannesburg – On today’s International Education Day, the United Nations are warning of the worsening of the education crisis … Read more