Vitaliy Klitschko took assist to the fighters close to Vovchansk and Kupyansk (+picture, video)

Vitaliy Klitschko took assist to the fighters close to Vovchansk and Kupyansk (+picture, video)

Mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitschko visited the fighters within the Kharkiv route and took them much-needed gear. Specifically, greater than 50 Mavic 3 and Mavic 3T UAVs – from the group of the capital and 300 fpv drones as charitable help. Vitaliy Klitschko reported this in your Telegram channel. “Visited our Defenders within the Kharkiv … Read more

In Kyiv, as of the morning of April 20, the level of air pollution is low, the radiation background is normal

In Kyiv, as of the morning of April 20, the level of air pollution is low, the radiation background is normal

As of 08:00 on April 20, the level of air pollution in Kyiv is low. The radiation background in the whole city is normal. This was reported by the Department of Environmental Protection and Adaptation to Climate Change of the KMDA. Right bank At the stationary atmospheric air monitoring station at the address St. Turivska, … Read more