A long-time criminal was shot dead by the police – 2024-04-17 12:32:09

A long-time criminal was shot dead by the police
 – 2024-04-17 12:32:09

According to Iltalehti’s information, the police shot a 46-year-old man from Juupajoke, who has a rich criminal history. According to Iltalehti’s information, the man killed by a police bullet is a 46-year-old man from the locality. The man has a large criminal background. He has been convicted, among other things, for the so-called siege of … Read more

The icebreakers found Saara Arva’s body – 2024-04-15 21:48:58

The icebreakers found Saara Arva’s body
 – 2024-04-15 21:48:58

According to IS, the body was found in Vesanno in Pohjois-Savo on April 6. A person from Helsinki who has been missing since 2019 Sarah Arvan the body was found in Vesanno in Pohjois-Savo on April 6, IS says. Information about the Eastern Finland police was not confirmed. According to a local woman interviewed by … Read more

Suspicion: Kidnapping at Nokia – 2024-04-13 21:22:57

Suspicion: Kidnapping at Nokia
 – 2024-04-13 21:22:57

The district court of Pirkanmaa imprisoned the woman on Friday. According to the police, the crimes have taken place since last fall. Inka Soveri A 38-year-old woman is most likely suspected of child abduction in Nokia, Pirkanmaa. In addition, the woman is suspected of gross deprivation of liberty. According to the police, the crimes took … Read more

The person killed at McDonald’s had a baby with them – 2024-04-07 13:41:21

The person killed at McDonald’s had a baby with them
 – 2024-04-07 13:41:21

The victim was stabbed on Saturday evening at McDonald’s in Pitäjänmäki. A person was stabbed at McDonald’s in Helsinki’s Pitäjänmäki on Saturday evening. The police received a report of a suspected stabbing through the emergency center at 10:15 p.m. in the evening. According to the police’s criminal suspicion, a man born in 1994 stabbed a … Read more

The therapist comments on Meri’s “narcissistic speeches” – This is what happened – 2024-04-07 03:16:42

The therapist comments on Meri’s “narcissistic speeches” – This is what happened
 – 2024-04-07 03:16:42

Meri Auer read what the psychologist had written about her, and began to fear that everyone else would find out the same. Auer talks about his experiences in a newly published book. For the victims, the data breach has been a torment for years. Ismo Pekkarinen/AOP I found myself wondering who the hell I ever … Read more

Justice Minister Leena Meri wants to find out about changing the age limit for criminal responsibility – 2024-04-06 22:28:50

Justice Minister Leena Meri wants to find out about changing the age limit for criminal responsibility
 – 2024-04-06 22:28:50

Changing the age limit could help break the cycle of young people’s crime, thinks Minister of Justice Leena Meri (ps) to Uutissuomalai. Justice Minister Leena Meri (ps) says she will comment on the matter at a general level. Karoliina Vuorenmäki Should criminal liability apply to children under the age of 15? Calculating the minimum age … Read more

A surprise of thousands of euros inside “Peppu-Kinder”. – 2024-03-31 03:07:20

A surprise of thousands of euros inside “Peppu-Kinder”.
 – 2024-03-31 03:07:20

In the prison, plastic boxes found inside Easter eggs are used to smuggle drugs. The contents of one capsule can be worth thousands of euros. – As long as kinder eggs are sold, the cases will be used for drug transportation, Tuomas Hanhikangas from the Criminal Sanctions Institute says. Inka Soveri “Kinders” are permanent favorites … Read more

Asking for help solving a reverse murder mystery – 2024-03-29 06:33:06

Asking for help solving a reverse murder mystery
 – 2024-03-29 06:33:06

An unidentified man is causing gray hairs for the Swedish police. Police are asking for tips about the man, who has not yet been identified. AOP The Swedish police are asking for help. The man who was found murdered in 2021 is still unidentified and investigations are still ongoing. According to the authorities, the man’s … Read more

The evil meat pie thief attacked in Forssa – He also took the juice from the whistle – 2024-03-17 01:52:23

The evil meat pie thief attacked in Forssa – He also took the juice from the whistle
 – 2024-03-17 01:52:23

A man in his 50s stole four meat pies and whistle juice from the shop. The man was aggressive towards the police. It happened on Friday evening in Forssa, when a man in his 50s arrived at a local store. A man robbed the store after 8 pm of four meat pies and whistle juice. … Read more

The couple who spread nude pictures of celebrities was sentenced again – 2024-03-14 15:51:25

The couple who spread nude pictures of celebrities was sentenced again
 – 2024-03-14 15:51:25

A photographer couple from Turku has already been sentenced for the second time for distributing nude photos and other images that offend the target. The woman from Turku, who has now been sentenced for the second time, covered her face during the imprisonment trial in December 2019. Roni Lehti The married couple distributed sensitive pictures … Read more