Discovering Jupiter’s Hidden Secrets: New Findings from the James Webb Space Telescope

Discovering Jupiter’s Hidden Secrets: New Findings from the James Webb Space Telescope

Amira Shehata wrote Saturday, October 21, 2023 12:30 PM Although James Webb Space Telescope Initially described as having the potential to reveal the outermost horizons of the universe, some of the observatory’s most precise images are actually images of our solar system, thanks to its gold-plated mirror cell and infrared equipment, such as the near-infrared … Read more

Test Your Knowledge: 10 Questions About the Solar System

Test Your Knowledge: 10 Questions About the Solar System

Scientists have been studying the solar system for centuries. Thanks to them, as well as advances in science and technology, we have a lot of key information about the universe today. But how well do you know it? Try answering the following 10 questions to test your knowledge. Solar System The Solar System is a … Read more

NASA’s Psyche Mission: Exploring the Metal-Rich Planet in the Asteroid Belt

NASA’s Psyche Mission: Exploring the Metal-Rich Planet in the Asteroid Belt

The American National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Psyche mission took off from Florida’s Cape Canaveral on Friday. The goal of the mission is to explore the distant, metal-rich planet of the same name, which orbits the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket with a probe on board lifted off from Kennedy … Read more

TOI-332b: A Fascinating Exoplanet with Unusual Properties

TOI-332b: A Fascinating Exoplanet with Unusual Properties

Current theories about the formation of planets do not apply to TOI-332b. It is denser than iron and orbits its star at breakneck speed at improbably close proximity. Out of the seemingly infinite number of planets in the universe, humanity knows only about 5 thousand of them – beyond the planets of the Solar System. … Read more

Discovering Planets Larger than Jupiter: Exploring the Size and Mass of Exoplanets

Discovering Planets Larger than Jupiter: Exploring the Size and Mass of Exoplanets

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is much smaller than many other exoplanets. One of the planets has been identified as having a much larger size than Jupiter. For information, Jupiter has a width of 11 times that of Earth. This makes the gas giant the largest planet known … Read more

The Largest Exoplanets: Ranking the Monster Worlds Beyond our Solar System

The Largest Exoplanets: Ranking the Monster Worlds Beyond our Solar System

Thursday, 17 August 2023 – 20:07 WIB LIVE Techno – Since astronomers first looked outside the solar system three decades ago to find exoplanets, the space objects likely vary widely in width and mass. But how big are these planets and what are the largest planets that we know of? Prior to 1992, when the … Read more

The Biggest Planet in the Universe: ROXs 42 Bb and Beyond

The Biggest Planet in the Universe: ROXs 42 Bb and Beyond

Jakarta – The universe has all kinds of interesting things from stars more than 2,000 suns in size to supermassive black holes that can rip apart celestial bodies. So far, the most massive knowledge known about the universe is around what is in our solar system, where Earth and other planets are located. But outside … Read more

Exploring Jupiter’s Atmosphere and Magnetic Field: The Juno Spacecraft’s Discoveries and Future Missions

NASA Captures Mysterious Green Flashes on Planet Jupiter In a groundbreaking discovery, NASA has captured mysterious green flashes on the planet Jupiter. The images were taken by the Juno spacecraft, which is specifically designed to penetrate thick clouds and investigate the structure, atmosphere, and magnetic field of the gas giant. Scientists hope that through investigations … Read more