Imprisonment threatens: Now Boris Becker must hope that no example is made of him

Imprisonment threatens: Now Boris Becker must hope that no example is made of him

Et was just after 2pm local time when an announcement came over the crackling loudspeakers at Southwark Crown Court on Friday midday. The jury will announce its verdict in courtroom number three. A verdict that could soon turn one of the world’s most famous German sports stars into a prison inmate. For the past three … Read more

WikiLeaks Founder Strokes in Jail, Stressed Over US Extradition

WikiLeaks Founder Strokes in Jail, Stressed Over US Extradition

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Founding father WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, is said to have suffered a minor stroke in prison due to the stress of facing his fate which is in danger of being extradited to United States of America. Assange’s fiancé, Stella Morris, said the pair suffered a minor stroke on the first day the … Read more

Nils Melzer’s book “The Julian Assange Case”

Nils Melzer’s book “The Julian Assange Case”

WITHbetween pandemic, Brexit and Trump aftermath, it seems strange to see Julian Assange reappear as a topic in the news stream. The heyday of “hacktivism” was a good decade ago, names like Wikileaks, Edward Snowden, LulzSec or Anonymous look like clips from the first season of “Mr. Robot ”, stored in the“ Recent History ”folder, … Read more

“They want control of your brain”

“They want control of your brain”

Pamela Anderson, 53, has fed up and is going offline. The actress no longer wants to expose herself to the unreasonable demands of so-called social media, which she sees primarily as anti-social media. Anderson announced her withdrawal, however, on the aforementioned media, accompanied by the unmistakable hashtags #noInstagram, #notwitter, #nofacebook: “This will be my last … Read more

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange not released on bail | NOW

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange not released on bail |  NOW

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will not be released on bail, a British judge ruled on Wednesday after a request from his lawyer. Although it became clear on Monday that Assange is not yet being extradited to the US, according to the judge he still has reasons to go into hiding. As long as the appeal … Read more

Julian Assange had two children while he was at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, says his partner

Julian Assange had two children while he was at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, says his partner

Did Trump offer Presidential pardon to Assange? 1:20– (CNN) – The couple of the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, revealed that they had two children while living at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. In a video Posted online and shared by Wikileaks, on the first anniversary of her arrest, Stella Moris said that she and … Read more

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, had two children with his lawyer Stella Morris during confinement at the Ecuadorian embassy in London Europe

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, had two children with his lawyer Stella Morris during confinement at the Ecuadorian embassy in London Europe

London [AFP]. The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, had two children with a lawyer in the period in which he was a refugee at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, the lawyer revealed in an interview with the British newspaper Mail on Sunday. The Australian, whom the United States wants to try for espionage, is the … Read more

Julian Assange became a father during his time in London

Julian Assange became a father during his time in London

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has become a father again, according to the media report. He is said to have had two sons with his lawyer Stella Morris while at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Julian Assange is in a media report while in the embassy of Ecuador in London two times father become. The 48-year-old … Read more

Impunity for counter business: did Donald Trump offer Julian Assange a deal?

Impunity for counter business: did Donald Trump offer Julian Assange a deal?

Updated February 20, 2020, 7:07 p.m. Did US President Donald Trump offer Wikileaks founder Julian Assange a deal and impunity? At least that’s what the lawyer of the detained whistleblower claims. The relevant mediator and the White House reject all allegations. You can find more current news here US President Donald Trump has a Wikileaks … Read more