Judicial reform: good or bad?

Judicial reform: good or bad?

He Senate of the Republic The process to approve the bill began this Sunday judicial reform without any modification to prevent its return to the Lower Houseso, with 25 votes in favor and 12 againstwas endorsed in commissions. Las Joint Committees on Constitutional Matters and Legislative Studies in it Senate They began the analysis and … Read more

AMLO condemns judges’ attempt to stop debate on judicial reform

AMLO condemns judges’ attempt to stop debate on judicial reform

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador condemned the arbitrary and unconstitutional claim of two judges who granted injunctions to stop the discussion of judicial reform in Congress. “Acting in an irresponsible and contradictory manner, they dare to promote actions that invade the powers of the Legislative Branch. “They also violate the Constitution. Imagine the Judiciary, which … Read more

Popular election does not contribute to the rule of law: judges

Popular election does not contribute to the rule of law: judges

Mexico City. Chief Judges of the Federal Labor Courts, Circuit Collegiate Courts specialized in Labor Matters, and Regional Plenums on Criminal and Labor Matters of the North-Central and South-Central Regions, as well as members of the Federal Judicial Branch, today delivered a document to the Chambers of Deputies and Senators in which they once again … Read more

National strike on September 4: This is known about support for the Judiciary

National strike on September 4: This is known about support for the Judiciary

For a couple of weeks now, employees, magistrates and judges of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) They are on indefinite strike in protest against the initiative that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented in February. This initiative seeks to reform the Judicial Branch and includes reducing the number of members of the Supreme … Read more

Lawmakers are required to comply with injunctions against judicial reform

Lawmakers are required to comply with injunctions against judicial reform

Mexico City. Workers of the Judicial Branch on strike for two weeks, demanded that legislators respect and abide by the decision of the two federal courts that last Saturday granted suspensions that indefinitely prevent the Chamber of Deputies from approving the ruling that reforms the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF), and announced that next … Read more

The three “singers” who will shake Mexico

The three “singers” who will shake Mexico

As if something was missing from the strange end of the six-year term that we are experiencing, between the imposition of constitutional reforms, strikes in the Judiciarystudent marches, tension with the United States and threats of financial turbulence, in the last month of the administration of the president Lopez ObradoThe statements and court hearings of … Read more

PJF workers protest inside and outside the Judiciary against the reform

PJF workers protest inside and outside the Judiciary against the reform

Mexico City. Workers of the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) demonstrated inside the Federal Judicial Council (CJF) and this time extended their mobilization outside the facilities of that body, carrying signs on which they wrote their rejection of the reform to the Judicial Branch, they positioned themselves from the entrance to the parking lot so that … Read more

Institutions involved in judicial reform must reflect and engage in dialogue: counselor

Institutions involved in judicial reform must reflect and engage in dialogue: counselor

Mexico City. The Federal Judiciary Councilor (CJF), Mónica López Benítez, considered that all political and social actors who support the reform “should reflect and allow for a true dialogue so that they know who we are, what we do and how we do it, and in this way have a strengthened system, but for that … Read more

Ministers Batres and Pérez Dayán clash over protests on judicial reform

Ministers Batres and Pérez Dayán clash over protests on judicial reform

Mexico City. At the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) the protests against the process of reform of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) became more heated, as on Wednesday a group of workers in favor of the constitutional amendment emerged and with banners, shouts and slogans confronted the group that has … Read more

Arizona Congressman Warns About Judicial Reform; “There is reason to raise concerns”

Arizona Congressman Warns About Judicial Reform; “There is reason to raise concerns”

The Democratic congressman for Arizona Greg Stanton warned this Wednesday about judicial reform in Mexico. In a message on X, formerly Twitter, he backed the criticism of the US ambassador in Mexico, Ken Salazarto the changes. Stanton added that “Mexico has always been Arizona’s number one trading partner and is now the top trading partner … Read more