Guanajuato, first state to promote a constitutional controversy

Guanajuato, first state to promote a constitutional controversy

At least 138 amparo lawsuits have been filed against the reform of the Judicial Branch of the Federation. Some are being processed in federal courts and a dozen more before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), among them the constitutional controversy recently promoted by the government of Guanajuato. The controversy 286/2024 promoted … Read more

Positive, the rapprochement between SCJN and Senate: PJ workers

Positive, the rapprochement between SCJN and Senate: PJ workers

Patricia Aguayo Bernal, self-proclaimed spokesperson for the workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF), affirmed that the rapprochement of the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Norma Piña Hernández with the president of the Senate, Gerardo Fernández Noroña, is a positive signal to advance in the dialogues on … Read more

Unpublished: SCJN will submit constitutional reform to the PJ for review

Unpublished: SCJN will submit constitutional reform to the PJ for review

Mexico City. For the first time, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) will review a constitutional reform. This Thursday, by a majority of eight votes to three, it admitted one of the challenges by judges and magistrates against the reform of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) to determine if the … Read more

PJ workers celebrate SCJN ruling to analyze validity of reform

PJ workers celebrate SCJN ruling to analyze validity of reform

Mexico City. Hundreds of workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) celebrated the decision of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of the Nation (SCJN) to initiate a constitutional controversy to analyze and, where appropriate, determine the validity of the reform of the Judicial Branch. As soon as the public session of … Read more

They ask CJF for guarantees on salaries and benefits to lift the strike

They ask CJF for guarantees on salaries and benefits to lift the strike

Mexico City, Until the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF) guarantees workers dissatisfied with the judicial reform that salaries and benefits will not be modified, the strike of activities in the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) could be lifted, said Patricia Aguayo, spokesperson for a group of rank-and-file workers and middle managers of courts and tribunals. … Read more

INE will begin the electoral process of the Judicial Branch on Monday

INE will begin the electoral process of the Judicial Branch on Monday

Mexico City. The General Council of the National Electoral Institute (INE) will begin the electoral process of the judicial branch next Monday, reported the president advisor of the Institute Guadalupe Taddei Zavala. Before installing the session, the counselors and staff of the electoral body will carry out a civic ceremony, in which there will be … Read more

Transnationals, in favor of Sheinbaum’s success

Transnationals, in favor of Sheinbaum’s success

Investments will not be affected by the changes to the Judiciary, since the future government of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo has expressed its support for the private sector so that capital grows, private initiative organizations reiterated. While Empresas Globales, an organization that represents the interests of 63 transnational firms in the country, expressed that it seeks … Read more

Stop harming the PJF, AMLO calls on lawyers, judges and ministers

Stop harming the PJF, AMLO calls on lawyers, judges and ministers

Mexico City. After the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Norma Piña, opened a consultation against the judicial reform related to an appeal filed by judges and magistrates to challenge the constitutional amendment, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called on lawyers, judges and ministers this Friday to “act responsibly” and … Read more

Judiciary and PJF workers analyze demands on salaries and benefits

Judiciary and PJF workers analyze demands on salaries and benefits

The Federal Judicial Council (CJF) and various organizations representing workers in the Judicial Branch began a working group to analyze demands that salaries and benefits not be reduced with the entry into force of the judicial reform. Patricia Aguayo, who has become the spokesperson for a group of workers, mainly attorneys, judicial officers, notification officers … Read more

IACHR expresses concern over approval of judicial reform

IACHR expresses concern over approval of judicial reform

Mexico City. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expressed its grave concern on Thursday over the approval of the reform of the Judicial Branch and warned of the possible impacts on the right of access to justice, on guarantees of judicial independence and on the rule of law. “The IACHR recognizes the importance of … Read more