Judicial reform, “with opportunity to be corrected in the Senate”: ABM

Judicial reform, “with opportunity to be corrected in the Senate”: ABM

Mexico City. The banking sector believes a reform of the judicial branch is necessary, but the one that was recently approved can still be improved, so the Senate still has the opportunity to “correct certain errors,” said Julio Carranza Bolívar, president of the Mexican Banking Association (ABM). He said that despite the uncertainty surrounding the … Read more

Reform to the PJ, constitutional and “irreversible”

Reform to the PJ, constitutional and “irreversible”

The president of the Senate’s Constitutional Points Commission, Ernestina Godoy (Morena), warned that the protection granted by a judge from Colima to prevent the reform to the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) from being enacted is not admissible, for which reason she regretted the illegal actions of the judges, who At all costs they … Read more

In 8 minutes, deputies declare judicial reform constitutional

In 8 minutes, deputies declare judicial reform constitutional

In a celebratory atmosphere, with cherry-colored signs on each seat that read: The people rulethe Senate yesterday declared the constitutionality of the reform to the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF), after 23 local congresses voted in favor of this project that will allow the popular election of judges, magistrates and ministers. The opposition legislators … Read more

PRI prepares licenses for its 15 senators to attend debate on judicial reform

PRI prepares licenses for its 15 senators to attend debate on judicial reform

Mexico City. PRI national leader Alejandro Moreno met this Friday with judges, magistrates and workers of the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) who are dissatisfied with the constitutional reform in this area, to whom he promised to vote against the initiative when it is discussed in the Senate. Accompanied by the coordinator of the PRI senators, … Read more

Weight gains its third consecutive week of decline

Weight gains its third consecutive week of decline

The peso posted its third consecutive week of losses, this time due to a strengthening of the dollar after a mixed labor report in the United States, while domestically the progress of the judicial reform process in Congress was influential. In wholesale operations, the Mexican currency fell 6 cents (0.33 percent), to 19.99 units per … Read more

AMLO: an aberration, that the Court tries to stop the reform of the PJ

AMLO: an aberration, that the Court tries to stop the reform of the PJ

Mexico City. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador emphasized that there is no legal or constitutional basis for the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) to stop the legislative process for the discussion and, if necessary, approval of the reform to the Judicial Branch. In the morning press conference, in response to a question … Read more

PJF officials reinforce sit-ins in the Senate and San Lázaro

PJF officials reinforce sit-ins in the Senate and San Lázaro

Mexico City. Justice officials and federal judicial branch (PJF) officials working in different entities of the country set up camps with tents where the groups that have blocked access to the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies spend the night and rest, in an attempt to prevent the approval of the judicial reform. The movement … Read more

For the fifth day, workers continue protesting against the reform of the PJF

For the fifth day, workers continue protesting against the reform of the PJF

Mexico City. For the fifth consecutive day, employees of the Judiciary have continued their protests against the reform in this area, and their presence in the Senate of the Republic – where they are holding a sit-in – has been reduced, since around 150 employees are concentrated at doors 5 and 6 of the legislative … Read more