Ryan Reynolds has a remedy for annoying song of daughter – Wel.nl

Ryan Reynolds has a remedy for annoying song of daughter – Wel.nl

The famous / infamous nursery rhyme Baby Shark is the most viewed video on YouTube with over 8.4 billion views. Ryan Reynolds’ 1-year-old daughter has also often seen the cheerfully annoying song about the little shark and his family. Too often it turns out, because father Ryan can no longer take it. However, the actor … Read more

Study on smoking and coronavirus withdrawn due to link with tobacco industry – Wel.nl

Study on smoking and coronavirus withdrawn due to link with tobacco industry – Wel.nl

Last year, a few studies appeared that claimed that smokers have no additional risk of becoming seriously ill from the coronavirus and that they would become infected less often. At least one of those studies has now been withdrawn due to ties to the tobacco industry. In that study, scientists stated that smokers were 23 … Read more

Why so many babies die of Covid-19 in Brazil – Wel.nl

Why so many babies die of Covid-19 in Brazil – Wel.nl

More than 362,000 people have now died of the corona virus in Brazil. This makes it the worst hit country in the world after the US. Yesterday, 3,459 people died in one day from Covid-19. These are not only the elderly. A total of 1,300 babies have also died, writes BBC News. Many children who … Read more

The “Argentine Madoff” was fined more than $ 8,000,000

The “Argentine Madoff” was fined more than $ 8,000,000

Enrique Blaksley is imprisoned in Ezeiza and is going through a trial in Comodoro Py for an estimated damage of at least $ 1,500 million pesos for various crimes The Financial Information Unit (UIF) imposed a fine in excess of $ 8 million on Enrique Blaksley SeƱorans and his company Hope Funds SA, investigated for … Read more

AltkreisBlitz: blood donation in Ahlten

AltkreisBlitz: blood donation in Ahlten

AHLTEN Even in times of corona, blood donations are urgently needed so that patients can continue to be safely treated with blood preparations in therapy and emergency care. “The supply of blood reserves has fallen sharply,” said the DRK local association AHlten. According to the current state of knowledge, the virus is not transmitted via … Read more

There is one corona mutation that presumably ‘breaks through the vaccine’ – Wel.nl

There is one corona mutation that presumably ‘breaks through the vaccine’ – Wel.nl

The vaccination could become a race against time. After all, at any moment a corona mutant could emerge that outsmarts the vaccines. In Israel, it has already been established that the South African variant is better able to ‘break through the defense of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine’ than other forms of the virus. One … Read more

Greek journalist arguably a victim of gang crime

Greek journalist arguably a victim of gang crime

The Greek blogger and journalist Giorgos Karaivaz was gunned down in front of his home. Investigators hope to learn more about the alleged murderer from his work. After the brutal murder of a Greek journalist and blogger in Athens last Friday, the investigation is focused on the victim’s work. The 52-year-old Giorgos Karaivaz was known … Read more

figures, from paperwork to freight

figures, from paperwork to freight

You have to take into account the expenses of moving, the rent of an apartment and the fees of a lawyer. How much does it cost to get divorced in 2021 The quarantine generated changes in habits, more time at home and the reunion of families, the latter became for many a true nightmare. As … Read more

Why you should not choose your partner yourself – Wel.nl

Why you should not choose your partner yourself – Wel.nl

American sociologist Elizabeth Bruch examined data from a dating site to map out how people choose a partner. Her conclusion: algorithms are ultimately better able to find a suitable partner than we ourselves. The condition is that sufficient variables have been included. But if that is the case, the chances of finding a suitable partner … Read more

National Police Chief Apologizes about Telegram Media Prohibition of Showing Police Violence

National Police Chief Apologizes about Telegram Media Prohibition of Showing Police Violence

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Police chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo apologize regarding the telegram letter which regulates the implementation of coverage containing violence / and or crimes in broadcast programs journalism. Sigit understands the emergence of various interpretations of the telegram letter. “We apologize for the misinterpretation that inconveniences media friends. Once again we always need … Read more