CDA to 6 seats, BBB to 7 –

CDA to 6 seats, BBB to 7 –

The CDA has almost disappeared in the latest poll by Maurice de Hong. The party has 6 seats. Dats is as much as Volt, then rises to 6 and less than Caroline van der Plas, who is on 7 seats. The VVD earns seats compared to 17 March. D66 loses heavily. VVD: 36 D66 19 … Read more

Hundreds of thousands insufficiently protected by vaccine due to weakened immune system –

Hundreds of thousands insufficiently protected by vaccine due to weakened immune system –

Thousands of people who have been vaccinated make too few antibodies to be well protected against Covid-19. They still have to be very careful until the vaccination coverage is high enough. This is shown by research among four patient groups. This concerns a large group of no less than 500,000 Dutch people who, for example, … Read more

Slower metabolism as you get older? That’s a myth –

Slower metabolism as you get older?  That’s a myth –

Many people gain a few pounds over the years. The fact that the metabolism slows down from your thirties is often mentioned as a reason. It is a myth, scientists conclude, who are also surprised themselves. The researchers examined 6,400 people between the ages of eight days and 95 years in 29 countries. Bottom Line: … Read more

fear of flu wave –

fear of flu wave –

In June there was a sudden revival of the RS virus among children. The flu epidemic did not stop at all this winter. Covid-19 is causing other viruses to get upset. “In twenty years I have never seen a patient with RS virus in the summer,” says Louis Bont, pediatrician and professor of respiratory infections … Read more

‘The VVD threatens the survival of the Netherlands’ –

‘The VVD threatens the survival of the Netherlands’ –

The VVD only pays lip service to the concern for the climate and in fact considers the interests of the business community more important than the survival of humanity. That’s what historian and opinion leader claims Thijs Kleinpaste in NRC. State Secretary for the Environment Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius (VVD) called people who advocate drastic measures to … Read more

Journalist murdered in Rutshuru, North Kivu

Journalist murdered in Rutshuru, North Kivu

Published on : 09/08/2021 – 00:04 – Héritier Magayane, a young journalist from the Congolese National Radio Television (RTNC) was stabbed in the night from Saturday to Sunday in Rutshuru, in North Kivu, eastern province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( DRC) plagued by armed violence. Héritier Magayane, 26, married with two children, … Read more

Russia blocks access to two news sites critical of the Kremlin

Russia blocks access to two news sites critical of the Kremlin

– Wladimir Putin Independent media and journalists in Russia face increased pressure from the authorities ahead of the parliamentary elections on September 19. – (Photo: Reuters) – – – – Moscow The Russian authorities have blocked two Internet news sites that are critical of the Kremlin. Oktritje Media and MBKh Media announced on Wednesday evening … Read more

“There is a huge click” –

“There is a huge click” –

Some restaurants open later, others close earlier. Still other eateries choose to remain completely closed on the slackest days. All because of a huge staff shortage in the hospitality industry. An Eindhoven entrepreneur is now getting people from Spain. “The shortages are high”, Youri Doreleijers tells RTL Nieuws. “As we speak about 25 people. That … Read more

vaccinate or get corona” –

vaccinate or get corona” –

After Israel, the United Kingdom is also starting to distribute a third corona jab. That is not really necessary, believes professor of immunology Marjolein van Egmond. “It is especially important that as many people as possible get vaccinated.” She explains in the Volkskrant from that it is logical that after a ‘booster shot’ the number … Read more