Jihlava Derby Chaos: Legal and Common Sense Issues Arise as Opponent Fans Are Excluded

Jihlava Derby Chaos: Legal and Common Sense Issues Arise as Opponent Fans Are Excluded

Třebíč Hockey Playoff Sparks Fan Controversy Over Restrictions Table of Contents Třebíč Hockey Playoff Sparks Fan Controversy Over Restrictions Stadium Capacity and Security concerns Jihlava’s Strong Opposition League Mandates and Unsuccessful Interaction Třebíč’s Viewpoint and a Call for Understanding Conclusion: A Clash of Ideals and Practicalities Czech Hockey’s Fan Fury: A Clash of Sportsmanship and … Read more

Is it necessary to pay a coupon for Jihlava public transport? Everything can be arranged through the e-shop

Is it necessary to pay a coupon for Jihlava public transport? Everything can be arranged through the e-shop

With the beginning of the school year, many parents of schoolchildren and students have to arrange fares for their children on Jihlava buses and trolleybuses. This year, for the first time, they have the opportunity to use the e-shop of the transport company. The e-shop started operating after several delays this June, but was not … Read more