Grief welds together | Jewish general

Grief welds together |  Jewish general

For many, Lag BaOmer in Meron should be the first big celebration after the long corona pandemic. It ended in a catastrophe: 45 people are dead. The grief over this has welded the country together. It was touching to see how much humanity was expressed, how people practiced solidarity and donated blood, for example. Secular … Read more

Animal, thanks, diversity | Jewish general

Animal, thanks, diversity |  Jewish general

TierResearchers at Tel Aviv University made an extraordinary discovery: They found a species of sea squirt (Ascidiae or Ascidicea) in the Gulf of Eilat, which can regrow all organs in its body – even if it is divided into three parts. The study was led by Noa Shenkar, Dorothee Huchon-Pupko and Tal Gordon from the … Read more

Free in Graz | Jewish general

Free in Graz |  Jewish general

“I want to stay and rest here for a few days; I like the city and the people. (…) The whole thing has a look of bonhommie and wealth everywhere that is very cozy. (…) Graz is one of the most beautiful large areas that I have seen so far; the mountains all around give … Read more

Plotkes | Jewish general

Plotkes |  Jewish general

Daniel donskoy is the broadcast in WDR Friday night Jews host. “I am proud and in awe of the task that lies ahead of me,” the actor wrote on Instagram. It is a “blatant task that I face with a broad chest.” Because something has to happen in this country. We must finally start aiming … Read more

A life for the film

A life for the film

“I’ll look you in the eye, little one.” If a television report on cinema history already includes a quote from the classic Casa­blanca begins, which has been quoted so often in the last few decades that you can actually no longer hear it, this does not bode well for what is to come. In the … Read more

New York even more Jewish | Jewish general

New York even more Jewish |  Jewish general

There are more Jews living in New York today than there were ten years ago. That is the result of a study by the United Jewish Appeal Federation in New York. According to the survey, there were around 1.41 million Jews in New York in 2002, compared to 1.54 million in 2011. In household terms: … Read more

For the protection of endangered species

For the protection of endangered species

It continues with saving the world – for the fifth year in a row. The Israeli organization TiME (This is My Earth) bought two pieces of land abroad last year to save threatened species from extinction. These include two species of monkeys, several species of birds and plants. One area is in Brazil, the other … Read more

Rabbi Amram on the ladder

Rabbi Amram on the ladder

The Talmud tells of how Rabbi Meir used to scoff at sinners (Kiddushin 81a). One day Satan appeared to him as a woman on the other side of the river, and since there was no ferry to cross, he grabbed the dock line and walked over. When he reached the middle, that one (Satan) left … Read more