Jazz Radio offers you the biography in comic strip of Nina Simone!

Jazz Radio offers you the biography in comic strip of Nina Simone!

For the singer’s 90th birthday, her life was told in comics. This week, Jazz Radio offers you the BD Nina Simone published by Petit à Petit, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the singer-pianist. To participate, you must register on www.jazzradio.fr Principle of the game: listen to the morning, correctly … Read more

A Mardi Gras in New Orleans

A Mardi Gras in New Orleans

The procession of floats go through the city. A party like no other. If you have children or are a foodie, you certainly know that this year, Mardi Gras fell on February 21, 2023. And, in New Orleans, it’s also the occasion to party, a big party, a very big party. Like, a carnival. To … Read more

Crosswords, the ideal exercise to maintain your memory

Crosswords, the ideal exercise to maintain your memory

A lot has been said about games like crosswords, but the science has it down: they improve memory, attention and reasoning skills. In short, they help keep your brain sharp and young for longer. In 2019, researchers have shown that people over 50 who regularly do crossword puzzles have equivalent brain function to people 10 … Read more