“Continuity or change”: Javier Milei’s new spot heading into the runoff against Sergio Massa

“Continuity or change”: Javier Milei’s new spot heading into the runoff against Sergio Massa

The national deputy and Presidential candidate by Freedom Advances, Javier Mileypublished this Tuesday a new spot within the framework of the campaign heading to runoff on November 19th. “Continuity or change”, that is the slogan chosen by the liberal economist to challenge the voter. Especially the undecided, who still does not know whether to lean … Read more

The libertarian intern burns: “We don’t want Macri, it’s the past, he brought the debt for our children and grandchildren” | Javier Milei does not answer the phone to his own deputies

The libertarian intern burns: “We don’t want Macri, it’s the past, he brought the debt for our children and grandchildren” |  Javier Milei does not answer the phone to his own deputies

The libertarian internal burns two weeks before the electionsamid strong criticism from a sector of a group of elected deputies and leaders against the alliance of Javier Miley con Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrich. Now, legislators have once again questioned the pact, fearing a “colonization” of Macrism in La Libertad Avanza and recognizing that the … Read more

Presidential Candidates Javier Milei and Ramiro Marra in AFPEA Billboard: Argentina’s Most Important Elections in Years

Presidential Candidates Javier Milei and Ramiro Marra in AFPEA Billboard: Argentina’s Most Important Elections in Years

AFPEA billboard showing presidential candidates Javier Milei and Ramiro Marra NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 15:41 Nina Jurna South America correspondent Nina Jurna South America correspondent Argentina goes to the polls today to elect a new president. These have been called the most important elections in years. The South American country with 45 million inhabitants is in a … Read more

Argentine Teenagers Rally Behind Javier Milei: The Young Vote for Freedom

Argentine Teenagers Rally Behind Javier Milei: The Young Vote for Freedom

From the roof of a bus stop, Tiago Codevilla shouts “long live freedom, damn it!” by a megaphone. He is 17 years old, he is in high school and his first vote will be for Javier Milei, the Argentine libertarian who attracts the young vote in his country. Milei, 52 years old and nicknamed “the … Read more

Paradoxes and choices | Page|12

Paradoxes and choices |  Page|12

Every day we read and hear that inflation, particularly food inflation, is the most complex challenge that the ruling Peronism faces in these elections to prevent the right in some of its brutal versions from returning to power. It is difficult to find a more dramatic paradox: that in a country blessed with the most … Read more

Gastón Trezeguet Faces Backlash for Declaring Support for Javier Milei in Argentina’s PASO Election

Gastón Trezeguet Faces Backlash for Declaring Support for Javier Milei in Argentina’s PASO Election

Less than 48 hours before the PASO in Argentina, the media ex-participant of Big Brother Gastón Trezeguet whitewashed his support for Javier Miley after coming across Ángel de Brito in a spicy Twitter back and forth. Trezeguet’s unexpected statement that led to a wave of reactions and criticism from his followers. The crossing began with … Read more

Lilia Lemoine, Javier Milei’s candidate who teaches classes on how to insult Ofelia Fernández | Violence Advances

Lilia Lemoine, Javier Milei’s candidate who teaches classes on how to insult Ofelia Fernández |  Violence Advances

Title: Far-Right Party Nominates Controversial Candidate for Buenos Aires Parliament Subtitle: Lilia Lemoine’s selection highlights the extreme views of La Libertad Avanza Date: June 25, 2023 The closing of political party lists often brings about a mix of excitement, alliances, and disappointments. It also sheds light on the lesser-known candidates who embody the objectives and … Read more