The Russian army, the demotion of “General Armageddon” and the appointment of the “incompetent” chief of staff as the commander-in-chief A sudden and mysterious personnel affair, the army in which Putin is rampant is inevitable (1/5) | JBpress (JBpress) )

The Russian army, the demotion of “General Armageddon” and the appointment of the “incompetent” chief of staff as the commander-in-chief A sudden and mysterious personnel affair, the army in which Putin is rampant is inevitable (1/5) | JBpress (JBpress) )

Sudden and mysterious personnel affairs, the army that is rampant with Putin’s “ flatterer ” is inevitable On December 31, 2018, President Putin visited the Southern Military District Headquarters in Rostov-on-Don, the capital of Rostov Oblast, and presented a medal to Commander-in-Chief Slovikin, also known as “General Armageddon.” Just over 10 days later, Slovikin was … Read more

A barking “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy” press secretary, a major change in China that can be seen from the mysterious relegation.

A barking “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy” press secretary, a major change in China that can be seen from the mysterious relegation.

Is it a course correction to cooperation with the international community gasping for predicament? Zhao Lijian, former spokesman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (March 18, 2022, photo: Reuters/Aflo) (Kaori Fukushima: Journalist) Synthesis of online hoaxes such as “The new coronavirus was brought to China from Fort Detrick (a US Army medical research facility) in … Read more

Irregular warfare carried out by Russia in the invasion of Ukraine, its despicable reality A similar case can occur even if Japan is involved in the war (1/9) | JBpress (JBpress)

Irregular warfare carried out by Russia in the invasion of Ukraine, its despicable reality A similar case can occur even if Japan is involved in the war (1/9) | JBpress (JBpress)

A similar case could occur if Japan were embroiled in the ravages of war. – The key to success in airborne units and operations such as heliborne operations is information that prevents them from being detected by the enemy. Go to gallery page — – – Here, battles by “military forces qualified to engage in … Read more

“China’s blockade exercise” The real problem is from now on, when the US aircraft carrier passes through the Taiwan Strait, the missile hits Japan’s EEZ, whereabouts of the unpredictable “muscle show” (1/5) | JBpress (JBpress)

“China’s blockade exercise” The real problem is from now on, when the US aircraft carrier passes through the Taiwan Strait, the missile hits Japan’s EEZ, whereabouts of the unpredictable “muscle show” (1/5) | JBpress (JBpress)

Missile landing in Japan’s EEZ, whereabouts of unpredictable “muscle show” – A Chinese newspaper reports on military exercises by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in waters near Taiwan on Aug. 8, 2022. Photo: Reuters/Aflo – – (Kaori Fukushima: Journalist) After U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) conducted an … Read more