The James Webb Telescope takes a picture that blows up scenarios of the evolution of the universe

The James Webb Telescope takes a picture that blows up scenarios of the evolution of the universe

Scientists have made a new discovery, thanks to the “James Webb” telescope of the American agency “NASA”, which represents a new scenario for how young galaxies similar to the “Milky Way” galaxy to which the solar system belongs are formed. The British newspaper “The Independent” said that the “James Webb” telescope took new images of … Read more

Observing galaxies similar to ours formed when the universe was 25% of its current age

Observing galaxies similar to ours formed when the universe was 25% of its current age

telescope monitor The alien James Webb (JWST) Galaxies-Like from NASA Our galaxy is the Milky Waywhich formed when the universe was only 25% of its present age, and a single galaxy was 11 billion years old, and these huge clusters of gas, dust and stars are also the first to feature star bars, which they … Read more

The Webb Telescope shows the magnificence of a spiral galaxy, 220 million light-years away

The Webb Telescope shows the magnificence of a spiral galaxy, 220 million light-years away – Teleskop antariksa James Webb menangkap gambar galaksi spiral yang sangat menakjubkan di luar angkasa. Gambar yang berhasil diabadikan oleh teleskop penerus Hubble milik badan antariksa Amerika Serikat dibagikan oleh NASA pada 25 Desember 2022 melalui akun Instagram resminya. NASA menyebut jika galaksi spiral tersebut berjarak 220 juta tahun cahaya dari Bumi yang terletak … Read more

The James Webb telescope discovers the four oldest galaxies at the edge of the universe

The James Webb telescope discovers the four oldest galaxies at the edge of the universe

Astronomers have promised a glimpse into the far reaches of the universe and have not violated it. The edge of the universe was seen by the infrared space telescope. and he James Webb Space TelescopeAnd the telescope sent Earth images of the farthest and oldest of the four galaxies that appeared among the first galaxies … Read more