What Comes Next for Gaza: Three Possible Scenarios

What Comes Next for Gaza: Three Possible Scenarios

Izraelská armáda se připravuje⁣ na pozemní operaci v Gaze s cílem definitivně zničit⁣ hnutí Hamas. Tato akce vyvolává otázky ohledně budoucnosti Gazy a kdo ji bude vládnout po pádu Hamasu. Izraelský premiér Benjamin Netanjahu se zatím nevyjádřil k tomuto tématu, ale americká administrativa varuje, že⁢ bez strategie by se Izrael mohl stát zodpovědným za Gazu … Read more

Bezprecedentní krize ve sněmovně: Jordanovo hlasování a nejnovější vývoj

Bezprecedentní krize ve sněmovně: Jordanovo hlasování a nejnovější vývoj

Title: Unprecedented Crisis in the House Continues as Jordan Fails to Secure Speaker Position Subtitle: Jordan Must Convince Moderates to Gain Support Date: [Insert Date] The unprecedented crisis​ in the House of Representatives, which began on October 3rd, continues as Republican Kevin McCarthy lost his position as Speaker due to prolonged disputes within his party. … Read more

Crisis in Southern Gaza: Dehydration and Humanitarian Concerns

Crisis in Southern Gaza: Dehydration and Humanitarian Concerns

Hundreds of people share one toilet, and staff have to provide drinking water on ⁤the⁢ floor,​ one liter per day,‌ said Juliette Touma, who works for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees in the Middle East (UNRWA), in⁤ an interview with BBC Radio. “Our supplies are running out quickly,” she added. “We have lost 14 … Read more

eToro Secures $3.5 Billion in Secondary Offering with Employee and Angel Investors

eToro Secures .5 Billion in Secondary Offering with Employee and Angel Investors

eToro, ⁣a popular online trading platform, has ‍announced‍ plans to sell shares to its‍ employees and angel investors, according to a report by Reuters. The company’s CEO and co-founder, Yoni Assia, stated that ⁤the goal is not to raise more funds but to provide liquidity to long-term shareholders and employees. eToro, along with its⁤ rival … Read more