China’s Gold Buying Spree Pushes Prices Up – Central Bank of China Leads the Way

China’s Gold Buying Spree Pushes Prices Up – Central Bank of China Leads the Way

Jakarta – China bought a lot of gold over the past year. Apart from the Israeli-Palestinian and Russian-Ukrainian conflicts, China’s actions also pushed up the price of gold on the market. Quoting DW, Wednesday (10/4), the price of gold was recorded as having reached US$ 2,300 per troy ounce. This is because gold is seen … Read more

Gold Prices in Jakarta Soar to Record High in 2024

Gold Prices in Jakarta Soar to Record High in 2024

Jakarta – Gold prices have risen significantly since the beginning of 2024. On Friday (29/3) not the price Antam’s 24 carat Precious Metal output increased by IDR 27,000 per gram, reaching the level of IDR 1,249,000/gram. Based on information on the Antam Precious Metals website, the price of gold on January 2 2024 will be … Read more

Antam Gold Prices in Jakarta Fall After Reaching Record High

Antam Gold Prices in Jakarta Fall After Reaching Record High

Jakarta – Not at all Antam’s 24 carat Precious Metal output, Saturday (16/3/2024), fell again after yesterday touching the highest value in history. Today’s gold price fell by IDR 1,000 per gram to IDR 1,193,000 per gram. Today’s gold price unit, the smallest 0.5 gram, is currently IDR 646,500. Meanwhile, the price of 10 grams … Read more

Advantages of Digital Gold Investment: Lower Prices, Easy Transactions, and More!

Advantages of Digital Gold Investment: Lower Prices, Easy Transactions, and More!

Jakarta – Investment is growing along with technological advances. For example, investment it’s not Now it is not only done physically, but also in the form of digital gold. So, what are the advantages of investing in physical gold compared to digital gold? Lakuemas Chief Operation Officer Geoffrey Aten said digital gold has a lower … Read more

Antam’s Gold Price Today – February 3, 2024

Antam’s Gold Price Today – February 3, 2024

Jakarta – Not at all Today, Antam’s Precious Metals output, Saturday (3/2/2024), has fallen compared to yesterday. Today’s gold price collapsed by IDR 9,000 per gram to IDR 1,142,000 per gram. Today’s gold price unit, the smallest 0.5 gram, is IDR 621,000. Meanwhile, the price of 10 grams of gold is sold for IDR 10,915,000. … Read more

Samsung and SK Hynix to Unveil Latest Memory Solutions at IEEE-SSCC 2024 Conference

Samsung and SK Hynix to Unveil Latest Memory Solutions at IEEE-SSCC 2024 Conference

Samsung and SK Hynix are expected to unveil the latest memory solutions at the IEEE-SSCC 2024 conference, scheduled to take place between February 18 and 22. The two companies have a huge number of modern technologies and various memory solutions that include DDR5, GDDR7, HBM3E, HBM4, etc., as expectations indicate that Samsung will introduce GDDR7 … Read more

Gold Ball Found on Seabed off the Coast of Alaska – Scientists Investigate Mysterious Discovery

Gold Ball Found on Seabed off the Coast of Alaska – Scientists Investigate Mysterious Discovery

Gold Ball Found on the Seabed. PHOTO/ Science Alert CALIFORNIA – A bunch scientist from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) discovered a mysterious spherical object on the seabed off the coast of Alaska. The object has a diameter of about 10 centimeters and is golden in color. The object was discovered by a … Read more

Formation of Gold in Space: How Neutron Star Collisions Create the Precious Metal

Formation of Gold in Space: How Neutron Star Collisions Create the Precious Metal

Amastya • 30 Dec 2023, 14:20 RIAU24.COM – Gold is something that humans have fought for and hunted for centuries. It is known that the gold we see comes from the mine. But on a cosmic scale, it forms when massive stars collide. The formation of the sought-after precious metal is as difficult as the … Read more

Discovery of Suspected Gold Jewelry Causes Stir at Mulo Forest Management Resort in Gunungkidul Regency

Discovery of Suspected Gold Jewelry Causes Stir at Mulo Forest Management Resort in Gunungkidul Regency

Gunungkidul – The discovery of objects suspected of being gold jewelry at the Mulo Forest Management Resort (RPH), Gunungkidul Regency caused a stir. The jewelry, thought to be gold, was apparently found by officers while cleaning up rubbish. Mulo RPH officer, Wahyudi, said that his party found the jewelry that looked like gold while carrying … Read more